Page 12 of Wrecked

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Camilla immediately pulled her in for a hug. “I’m sorry, too. I don’t want us to fight. We never fight!”

“I know, right?”

“Let’s make a pact.”

“A pact?” Adela asked.

“Yes. Whenever we get annoyed with each other, we’ll use a word to take a time-out and stop what we’re doing. It will help us deescalate things.”

“What word did you have in mind?”

“Stunner,” a deep, manly voice said from somewhere in the dark behind them.

Both Camilla and Adela screamed their lungs out. Adela instantly took Camilla’s hand and tugged her towards the stick she’d used for making their way through the jungle. She let go of Camilla’s hand and snatched the stick from the sand.

“Who’s out there?” Adela shouted.

She couldn’t believe her eyes when Camilla grabbed several rocks, screaming like a banshee while throwing the rocks hit-or-miss into the dark.

“Ouch!” another male voice said.

Adela’s eyes zeroed in on four manly figures walking towards the fire, one of them rubbing his head as if in pain while the others carried something big like an inflatable raft or something.

“Oh, shit. It’s more than one,” Camilla whispered.

“There’s six of us, darlin’,” that earlier deep voice said from next to Camilla.

Adela whipped her stick into his direction, but a sudden powerful force kept it in mid-air.

“Easy, we’re not going to hurt you…”

The gentler voice of the man on the other end of her stick differed from the earlier voice. He softly pulled on his end, drawing her near even though she’d tried to keep her ground by sticking her flip-flop heels into the sand. The light from the crackling fire slowly revealed his features and, just like Adela, he took a sharp breath the moment their eyes locked.

She craned her neck to get a better view of the tall man before her. She took in his sharp cheekbones and the carved jaw before she met his intense gaze again.

She quickly diverted her eyes to his muscular body stuck in dark blue trunks and a gray T-shirt that probably had seen better days before it got stained with sweat and ripped in the side. She guessed he’d also been caught in the storm since his friends towed a life raft around.

While Adela eyed the man in front of her in silence, Camilla and the other guy started arguing.

“Get away from us, you creeps!”

The man across from Camilla chuckled. “We’re not here to creep on you, darlin’. We’ve been floating around the ocean for days and finally have our feet on solid ground. The last thing I’m thinking about is rolling around the sand with a brunette who’s about to shit herself.”

“Ew,” Camilla said, voicing exactly what Adela thought.

“Dom, relax,” the man standing before Adela said, his eyes still trained on her. By some weird magnetic force, she couldn’t break eye contact either.

“Dom? What are you? Into role-play or something?” Camilla asked with a snort.

“If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll let you find out,” the guy said with an arrogant chuckle.

“Knock it off,” Camilla said, but even Adela heard the slight interest in her friend’s voice.

“Hi, I’m Jack. Please ignore my friend, Dominic. The dehydration is messing with his filter,” the man in front of Adela said.

She took Jack by surprise by jerking the stick out of his hand. “I’m Adela and that’s my friend Camilla, and we would like you guys to leave our beach.”

“We’re not going anywhere,” Dominic said matter of fact.

Tags: Anna Castor Romance