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“Thank you for bringing my daughter home,” she gushed, batting her eyes. If there was one thing Angie excelled at, it was using her looks to make men forget their names. It was her game and how she moved up in the world. I’d always known she used her body and face like a weapon, but I was just realizing how far she might go.

This woman was unpredictable and every bit as dangerous as Carter.

She exchanged a few more pleasantries with the drooling officers before ushering me toward the front door. I threw a glance over my shoulder, desperately searching for the white Hummer. My chest squeezed when I saw Micah still parked on the street.

How long did he mean to stay there?

Would he try to break me out once the cops were gone?

A brief spark of hope flared inside me.

Then the door closed.

Poetic. And symbolic. It felt as if Angie had just slammed the door shut on my life, imprisoning me inside this massive tomb.

I faced her, my expression resigned. “Well, you got what you wanted. I’m here.”

Angie crossed her arms, some of the sweetness leaving her voice. “Now, honey. Let’s not fight. You’re home where you belong. This is a day for celebration. Not pouty faces and complaining.”

I blinked. “Are you bipolar? Or just insane?”

“Josephine,” she scolded, losing her smile altogether. “This is where you belong.”

My hands dropped to my sides, nails curled against my palms. “You’re wrong. What you did today, to Dad, to me, I’ll never forgive you,” I ground out.

“Of course you will. I’m your mother,” she said dismissively.

Heat flared inside me. “You're not my mother.” The denial was punctuated. She had no idea the truth behind those words, no clue that I knew her deep, dark secret.

Shoulders straightening, she drew up to her full height as if it gave her power over me. “Josephine!” she snapped. “Enough!”

My body jerked from the fierceness in her voice.

She pressed a hand to her temple. “I know you’ve had a difficult time, but living with that boy is not the answer to your problems. Look what happened. And your father—”

“This was not his fault. Both of them are only trying to help me. You might want to point the finger closer to home.”

Exasperation edged into her eyes. “You have got to let go of this vendetta against Carter. Without him, I wouldn’t know how you’ve been faring these last weeks. He’s been a godsend.”

“I just fucking bet. Where is the little angel?”

She smoothed at invisible wrinkles over her white cotton pants. “Out, but he will be home for dinner,” she said, composing herself. It was like watching an actress prepare for a role of a lifetime.

“I’m not hungry. I think I’ll just go to my room,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Good idea, get settled,” she said, remaining a pillar of calm. “Your bedroom has been prepared for your return. You should find clean clothes to change into.”

There was nothing wrong with the cropped sweats and hoodie I wore, but if I told her so, it would open up another battle. Yet, my mouth moved before I could stop. “I didn’t know I’d be leaving the house today,” I snapped back.

Taking a deep breath, I spun around and marched off toward the stairs. If I stayed in her presence any longer, I wouldn’t be able to hold my tongue. Accusations would fly, none of them good.

I rushed up the stairs to my room and went to flip the lock, except… There was no fucking lock.That bitch.She took the lock off my door. I let a shrilling scream of frustration, slamming the heel of my palm into the wood.

Turning around, my back hit the door as I forced myself to take slow, steadying breaths.Breathe, Josie. In. And out. In. And out.

After a minute or two, I came to the conclusion that breathing exercises were a crock of shit. They never worked for me, not for long at least. It could also be that I just didn’t give myself enough time or fully complete the process. Not that it mattered, because no amount of inner chi would help under this roof.

I had to get rid of the tightness in my chest and the dull ache behind my eyes. A swim was out of the question. That would require me to leave this room, which I most certainly would not do that and risk running into either Carter or Angie.

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance