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So not very Elite like.

I shoved back the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

“Fuck this,” Grayson bit out. “I’m done dicking around, being patient. This asshole is going down. Ava too.”

“What do you have in mind?” Micah asked, the corner of his mouth curving.

Plotting seemed to be an Elite pastime.

They guys got comfortable in my room, finding wherever they could to sit or lean against the wall. “I appreciate you guys stopping by, I really do,” I interrupted before any nefarious plans could be made. “But I can’t have you all in here.”

Grayson rolled his eyes. “You and Brock can take one night off from bonking. Jesus. You just got out of the fucking hospital.”

I pinned my brother with a hard look. “For your information, my sex life is not open for discussion or any of your business, but this has nothing to do with sex. My dad is down the hall,” I explained. They were doing a decent job at keeping their voices low. I had to give them credit for that, but at some point, someone was going to knock something over. Not that my dad would hear it. There was just something in the anticipation of being caught I couldn’t handle right now.

A mischievous smile touched Micah’s lips. “This isn’t the first time we’ve snuck into a girl’s bedroom. We got this under control.”

“Individually or together? Like all four of you in one girl’s room?” I questioned, and then I shook my head. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

Micah’s stupid grin widened. “I have to admit, I always wondered what your room would look like.” His eyes spanned the cramped space, taking in what he could see in the small amount of moonlight streaming through the window. “It’s pretty much how I imagined.”

“They aren’t all spending the night, are they?” I asked, turning to Brock.

“No,” he stated firmly from where he perched on the edge of the bed closest to me.

“Hell, yes,” Micah said at the same time. “Slumber party. When was the last time we had one of those?”

“Last weekend,” Grayson stated flatly. “Every weekend. What do you think all those parties that you end up crashing all night are?”

“Good point. Josie Jo, you got anything to drink? Something strong. I needed a damn bottle after what you put us through.”

I snorted. Not to mention whatIwent through. “No one is raiding my dad’s beer stash.”

Micah wasn’t the only one to groan, but even I had to admit, I could use a drink.

“Ava and Carter think they’ve gotten the upper hand,” Brock stated, steering the conversation away from booze before things derailed, because, with Micah, the nonsense could go on for hours.

Fynn sat on the floor under the window, his knees bent, elbows resting on them. If he had stretched out his long legs, they would have taken up over half the room, I swear. “We need to destroy that alliance,” he said.

“And how do we plan to do that?” Grayson asked, tone somber. His baseball cap was pulled down low, shielding most of his eyes and making him look damn right criminal.

Brock tapped his thumb against his knee. “We give her what she wants.”

“Does anyone know what that crazy lunatic wants?” Micah questioned.

One by one, the Elite turned to Brock, and my heart plummeted. They couldn’t possibly be thinking…

“Me,” Brock said without any infliction in his voice or change in his dark expression.

I, on the other hand, had an array of emotions. Mainly horror and disgust.

He wasn’t serious.

Oh, but he was.

The idea of Ava and him together made me want to hurl.

“She wants to be at the top. I can do that just as quickly as I tossed her aside,” he added grimly.

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance