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He wasn’t going to let me get off that easily. “How about you uncomplicate it for me, Josie? The police want to speak with you.”

I frowned, or rather I attempted to frown. “Now?”

“It’s best to do this while the details are still fresh in your head but if you’re not up to it…”

As much as I didn’t want to deal with the police, I’d just as soon get it out of the way. “Okay,” I agreed.

“You’re sure this has nothing to do with school or at home?” he pressed.

Why would he ask that? I tried to remember our conversations and if I’d mention anything about the mean girls at the Academy. He knew how I felt about Angie and Carter.

Tears finally sprang to my eyes, hot and biting. It all came crashing down on me, and I felt so out of my depth.

Dad reached over and grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as he placed his other hand on top of our joined ones. “You don’t have to tell me. Not now, if you don’t want to. I didn’t mean to…”

It was difficult to see him for so many reasons. He was clearly upset and struggling to control his emotions while also maintain that solid father figure persona I’d always depended on. But it was also difficult because seeing him reminded me he wasn’t my biological father, a surreal concept I still struggled to grasp. “Dad.” My lips trembled.

“It’s okay. Everything will be okay. The doctor said there is no internal bleeding. A few bruised ribs, but most of the injuries are superficial.”

Well, pop the confetti and break out the champagne. Nothing about my body felt superficial.

Despite the sarcastic thoughts, it was a relief knowing no real permanent damage had been done. The cuts and bruises would heal. I did sort of remember the doctor explaining the same thing, but the pain had been too severe to retain the information.

But everything wouldn’t be okay. Not a chance in hell.

I couldn’t tell that to him, so I just nodded, tears pooling in my eyes.

He patted the top of my hand. “The doctor said I could take you home soon. They just need to wrap up the paperwork. All your X-rays came back satisfactory. Once you finish giving the police your report, we’ll go home. Okay, kiddo?”


Did he mean to the Pattersons’? My head shook too hard and too fast, but I didn’t care. “I can’t go home. Dad, I—”

“I know that you haven’t been staying with your mother,” he interrupted before I went on a panicky tangent. “She called me last week after your detention.”

My racing heart slowed. “Oh.”

Unfolding his hand cautiously from mine, he fussed with the blankets. “I think it’s best you stay with me while you recover. I’ll handle your mother. That’s if it’s okay with you.”

This time I nodded slowly. “Yes,” I exhaled.

A nurse came in then, asking for some signatures on the release papers. She went over some instructions with my father, prescriptions that needed to be filled for stronger pain medication and how to care for the wounds.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

My phone vibrated on the bedside table. Two seconds later, it went off again and again. I was afraid to look at the notifications coming through. Word had probably gotten around. Ava would see to that. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. Not yet. I just wanted to get out of the hospital and go home. I wanted to be surrounded by my things, the few I had left behind, sleep in my old bed, and forget for a few hours that Elmwood Academy existed.

I also really, really wanted Brock, but I refused to let myself admit that I needed him, that I wanted to see him because that rang too close to girlfriend vibes.

My phone went off again. Both the nurse and my dad snuck a glance at it. “It might be your mom,” Dad said, offering what would be a responsible excuse for most teenagers. Not me. He probably couldn’t tell with my face all messed up, but I shot him an are-you-kidding-me look.

Dad reached over and handed me my phone. “You should check it just in case.”

The screen had a crack in the corner and the protective case had a few scratches on it from being knocked to the ground. Now I really needed a new phone. Unlocking the passcode, a slew of notifications ran down the screen.

But only one stood out.

Firefly, where the hell are you?

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance