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Carter wore a smug grin as he finally released his grip. “You’re about to find out the Elite aren’t the only ones with pull at this school.”

Dread dropped into my stomach like a bomb about to explode. “What are you talking about?”

“You’ll see,” he said, so cocky, so sure of himself.

I wasn’t up for his cryptic bullshit. “Can you try to be fifty percent less of a prick?”

“Probably not… unless you give me what I want.”

Professor Dirkton strolled in, dropping a stack of books on the edge of his desk. It was a good thing too, because I was two seconds away from slapping the shit out of my stepbrother. “Once Brock finds out about this, you’re dead.”

He shrugged in that I’m-untouchable way of his, tapping his pen against the table. “You can’t hide behind them forever.”

Not forever. Only until I turned eighteen and I could legally get out from Angie’s control or she went to jail for kidnapping.

Professor Dirkton glanced up, his eyes landing on Carter. “Mr. Patterson. What are you doing here? This isn’t fifth period when you actually have class with me.”

“My bad, Professor D. Too much vodka in the coffee this morning.” A few of the guys in class chuckled but Professor Dirkton wasn’t amused.

“I suggest you get to the proper class.”

Gathering his shit, Carter glanced over his shoulder, shooting me a wink.


* * *

Mads and I strolled through the cafeteria on our way to the girls’ locker room. I seriously considered skipping out on gym class today. The idea of doing laps around the track made my stomach churn.

Gah. I’d so rather be doing laps in the school’s massive pool. Perhaps I’d take a dip into Brock’s tonight. That was the only thing I missed about the Pattersons’—the pool.

The rest of the day had been uneventful, which was exactly what worried me. Carter’s little threat echoed in my head throughout the entire day, and I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Have you talked to Grayson since, you know?” I asked, wondering if he had said anything about spilling the beans.

Mads shrugged. “No, not really, other than for him to remind me to keep my mouth shut. I figured you’d know more than I do.”

I grimaced. “He hasn’t said much to me either. This whole thing takes awkward to a new level. Neither of us knows how to act around the other.”

“You’ll work it out, cuz.” She grinned.

The locker room came into view as we turned the corner, and I groaned. “Think Coach Q will go for the whole cramp excuse?” I asked, still figuring out if I could find a way out of gym.

A hollow laugh came out of her. “Coach Q is a hard ass. He has three daughters. Cramps don’t faze him.”

“Wonderful,” I mumbled, my hand reaching for the door. Something hit me on the shoulder.

Not something. Someone.

Whirling around, I didn’t have time to avoid the smoothie as it flew straight at me, splattering over the front of my crisp white academy shirt.

Motherfucker, the shit’s cold.

I gasped, my hands flying up in the air.

“What the fuck, Ava!” Mads snarled, throwing her bag down on the ground like she was ready to rumble. She stuck her nose right in Ava’s face.

I should’ve known Ava was responsible. She made her disdain for me very clear, and apparently we’d moved on to childish pranks like tossing a smoothie on the new girl.

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance