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My gaze shifted to the television, watching the players execute a play, but not really seeing it. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive her for taking me. Or for not telling me the truth. But why didn’tyoutell me, Grayson?” I asked, turning my attention back to him. I knew he could see the hurt in my eyes, the raw pain, because I allowed him to see it.

“For the same reason you’re here right now. I was angry at first, and admittedly, I still am. Then, suddenly you were here, going to my school. You were this huge secret that could rock my family just after things had settled down. Some of that anger transferred to you regardless of how displaced,” he explained gruffly.

“I’m so confused. This whole thing is so fucked-up. What am I supposed to do now?” The question hung in the air between us as we just stared at each other.

He clenched the beer in his hand. “You mean do we keep on pretending nothing has changed?”

Just hearing him suggest it sent a chill through me. “Is that what you want?”

He leaned forward in the chair, pressing his elbows onto his knees. “We can’t go back. I know what I’m asking is a lot and difficult, but can you keep this to yourself just for a little bit longer while I figure out how to tell my parents? They’ve been through so much.”

I wanted to press him, to demand he tell them, but that was selfish. I also wanted to know more about the tough times his parents had gone through. I wanted to know everything about them. Kenna too. “I can do that,” I said softly. “But eventually I need to confront my mother. I can’t let go of what she did. I can’t forgive her. I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep on living this lie like I don’t know what Angie has done.”

His face grew grim, and I understood I hit a sore spot. “I don’t want you near her. She lost that right the second she took you. Not to mention who her stepson is. You’re not safe there.”

Understanding, I nodded. It was clear Grayson was fiercely protective of his family, and somehow without my knowing, that umbrella protection now extended to me. “Carter implied that he knows I have a secret.”

Grayson’s jaw clenched. “And you believe him? Don’t let that asshole get under your skin, Lil’ J. Even if he does know about us, we’ll take care of it.” By “we,” he meant the Elite. “Got it?”

“I’m staying with Brock for now. And I won’t tell anyone… else,” I added under my breath.

His brows drew together. “Who did you tell?”

Why hadn’t I just lied? “It was too big not to tell someone. And the Elite doesn’t count,” I defended, fumbling with one of my stud earrings.

His expression lost some of its seriousness. “Glad to know how we rate.”

I rolled my eyes. “Please, don’t pretend like everyone at school doesn’t worship the four of you. They’d kiss your feet and suck your dick if you let them.”

His lips twitched. “I’m not sure how I feel about you talking about my dick.”

My cheeks flushed. “This so weird. I don’t know if I’ll get used to it.”

“So, who was it?” he prompted, refusing to let me dodge answering, ever after trying to distract him.

“I needed to talk to someone who didn’t already know.”

“Josie,” he gritted between his teeth. “Who?”

I gave in, hoping Grayson and I weren’t about to have our first fight. “Mads.”

He jerked a shoulder up. “Shit. My cousin?”

“She won’t say anything,” I assured, reaching for his beer and taking long a drink. I needed something to settle the constant churning of emotions within me.

The muscles in his back relaxed through his white shirt. “No, she won’t. Mads is loyal to a fault.” He made that sound like a bad quality. I could think of a few traits the Elite could adapt.

“Why does that sound like a threat?”

The corner of his lip turned up. “You learn fast. Obviously, you got the brains.”

My fingers tapped along the glass bottle. “Mads is my friend. The only friend I have at the academy.”

A quick grin came over his face. Grayson didn’t smile enough. “Not true. You have us.” That might have been the nicest thing Grayson had ever said to me. I just didn’t know if it was true.

The fucking Elite.

“Do I?” I responded, a brow arching. “It seems I am only good for your agenda. My only value lies in what I can do to help you take down Carter.”

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance