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Carter clasped a gun.

An audible gasp fled from my lips. “Are you fucking insane? Why do you have a gun?”

He held it up, pointing the barrel at the ceiling. “Incentive.”

I didn’t know much about guns, other than what I’d seen in the movies, but it looked like it had an attachment on the it. A silencer perhaps? “Do you plan to kill me if I can’t find what you want?”

His smugness rose, the gun giving him power. “You or whoever gets in my way.”

I no longer wished for Brock or the Elite to find me.

“But… I don’t even know if it’s in his room.”

“I have it on good authority that it is. Now move.” He swung the gun in the air, indicating for me to start my search.

Ava. If he trusted anything out of that bitch’s mouth, then he wasn’t as smart as I gave him credit for. I realized he probably hadn’t heard about Brock’s latest scheme, and I wasn’t about to tell him either. Brock would never have trusted her with that information.

Keep him busy,my mind encouraged.

With that thought, I cautiously turned and walked toward the desk.

“Sit,” he ordered.

Once again, I did as he instructed.

“Put this into the USB,” he said, pulling out a compact portal drive and handing it to me.

“Why?” I asked, taking the device.

“Just fucking do it.”

Fear made my movements clumsy but after a few tries, I managed to get the plug into the USB port.

“Now open the file on the hard drive.”

“I don’t have the password to get in.”

“Useless. Let me guess, you don’t have the passcode for his phone either.” He shook his head and dropped a slip of paper onto the desk below the keyboard. “Enter this. And do it quickly. The clock is ticking.”

I snuck a glance at Carter and stared at the end of the gun. “I can’t concentrate with you pointing that thing at me.”

Carter stood over me, using hisincentiveto keep me motivated. “Try harder.”

My tongue wanted to unleash a verbal fury like Carter had never heard. I curbed the desire and typed in the password written on the piece of torn paper. I didn’t want to know how or from where he had obtain the information to get into Brock’s personal computer..

After the computer logged in, I covered my hand over the mouse and moved to the folder located on the desktop, clicking it open. There was just a single file inside.Black Widow. I snorted.

“Open the file,” Carter demanded, jamming the into my back.

Every second I spent alone in the dark with Carter made me feel criminal. “What does it do?”

“It doesn’t matter. Just open it. Now.”

“And if I refuse?”

He rammed his fingers into my hair, grabbing a fistful and yanking my head back as he leered over me. “Don’t test me.”

“Do it yourself,” I hissed between gritted teeth as sharp pain shot through my scalp.

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance