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“Mom, this isn’t a game,” he interrupted. “She is your daughter. She didn’t die. She was taken.”

“Taken?” Liana echoed, disbelief shining in her eyes. “You’re implying she was kidnapped.”

I could do nothing but remain silent as the two of them went back and forth.

“Not implying, Mom. I’m telling you she was,” he said frankly.

Liana’s gaze slid to me, doubt finally breaking into her features. I could see her mind turning, trying to decide if what Grayson said could be true and what she saw with her own eyes. “How can this be possible? I don’t understand.”

Grayson shifted forward so he sat on the edge of the couch. “Another woman in the hospital had also given birth to a baby the same day. That baby ended up in the NICU with us, but sadly, the little girl didn’t survive.”

“Oh, God,” she proclaimed, anticipating where this was going.

“Seeing that you had three healthy babies, she switched her little girl with Josie. I have a DNA test that proves she is the baby you thought you lost.”

“Grayson—” Her voice caught. Then she looked at me. “Y-You’re really her?”

I nodded. I’d never felt so exposed before in my life, so damn vulnerable.

“Sweet Jesus. I think I might pass out or cry. Probably both. I’m definitely going to cry,” she blubbered, tears already filling up her eyes. “I-I can’t believe it. I’ve dreamed about you so many times over the years. I wondered what you’d look like. You’re beautiful. Can I hug you?”

I nodded again, unable to get my mouth to function words.

We both stood up, and surprisingly my wobbly legs held me. At any second, I thought I might crash to the ground, but then her arms were around me. When she pulled back to frame my face with slim fingers, tears followed freely down her cheeks. “Let me look at you.” Soft and gentle fingers brushed strands of my hair off my forehead. “I should have known to trust my gut. When you walked through that door, something told me you were special. I just didn’t know how much.”

“She looks so much like Kenna, doesn’t she?” Grayson said.

Liana bit her bottom lip, her head bobbing up and down in agreement. “Yes, she does. I can’t believe this is real.” She hugged me again, her shoulders shaking as her overwhelming emotions got the best of her.

I hugged her back, my face and eyes wet. Once the tears started, I couldn’t stop them. They fell and fell, tearing through me. She held on to me, letting me purge the onslaught of emotion we both needed.

“What time is it?” she gasped when we’d both regained a semblance of composure. “We have to tell your father. He is going to be beside himself. God, I have so many questions. Have you been living here this whole time?” She coaxed me back onto the couch.

I nodded, wiping at my eyes. “Well, on the other side of town up until this year.”

“And your… mother? The woman who…” She swallowed, stopping herself from finishing. This had to be difficult. Someone had stolen her baby. I could only imagine how she felt about Angie Patterson. I’d had weeks to get used to the idea, but honestly, it wasn’t enough time.

“Angie,” I supplied. This was a sensitive subject, one both of us were uncomfortable discussing. I didn’t know what was the wrong and right thing to say.

“I have so many questions for you. I… I can’t believe this is real, that you’re real.” Her hand clutched mine as if she were afraid to let me go, that I might somehow disappear. “It’s really you. When I saw you… for a split second I thought… but then I told myself it couldn’t be true. It was impossible. But here you are.”

“I was pretty much in denial for days when I found out,” I admitted. “This is some heavy news to learn about yourself.”

Understanding and compassion touched her features. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I imagine it has been quite an adjustment, learning your parents aren’t your parents. I’d like the chance to get to know you, if you let me.”

“I’d like that,” I whispered. More than I could express.

Her beaming bright eyes glanced at her son, and then back to me. “You and Grayson found each other? What are the chances?”

I met Grayson’s gaze from where he lounged at the far side of the couch, Liana between us. “I guess we did. But it was mostly Grayson.”

“I’m too overwhelmed to care how he found you. Knowing my son, there is definitely a story there.”

Grayson cleared his throat. “It’s best you don’t know.”

Liana rolled her eyes. “Try that excuse on your father.” Her fingers brushed over my hair as a gracious smile spread on her lips. “You’re beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I want to know everything about you.”

“Maybe not all in one night, Mom,” Grayson suggested. “She’s had a long day.”

Tags: J.L. Weil Elite of Elmwood Romance