Page 12 of Flor's Fiasco

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I don’t know what to say to that. It’s a compliment, yes, and I should be flattered. But a question immediately fires into my mind…does that mean you’re keeping me?I don’t say it aloud. I’m not sure I want to know the answer. I’m not a thing to be kept, anyhow. I’m my own person. I’ve been in a hut of my own for years now, and I can take care of myself. If I’rec decides we’re just going to fuck to get this out of our systems and then he’ll return to Tia, well, then it is what it is. As long as we’re both on the same page, I’ll be fine with whatever is decided.


I can’t deny that resonance isn’t already fucking with my head. Yesterday if you would have asked me how I’d react to the thought of Tia returning to Icehome Beach after several long years? I’d say about fucking time, because I know I’rec’s been waiting on her. Today, though, I just want to claw her eyes out and plant a foot in her ass and send her back.

I rub my resonating chest and frown to myself. I’m not the angry, possessive sort. I’m the one that just wants everyone to be happy. This isn’t like me.

Then again, animalistic sex in the snow with a younger alien man isn’t like me, either.

I’rec returns to my side and unrolls a fur. He slides it around my shoulders and tucks it under my chin to warm me, then tucks it under my legs to make sure that I’m nice and cozy. After he’s done fussing over that, he hands me some dried jerky. “There is a waterskin here but it is frozen. I need to make a fire, and then we can have a drink.”

“Thank you,” I murmur, taking a bite of jerky as he kneels next to the cold firepit.

He squats next to the fire in the completely shameless way of someone who’s used to being nude. His legs are spread slightly as he works, and I get an absolute eyeful of full-frontal nudity. I’rec’s cock is still shiny with wetness from our most recent mating, and it juts out from his body, hard and erect as if he’s ready to go again at any time. He’s hairless between his thighs and so I get an excellent view of his balls, too, which seem rather large and tightly tucked underneath his cock. Behind him, his tail casually flicks on the floor, catlike.

As he breaks down some fuel-cakes to create the fire, I catalog the differences in his appearance from R’jaal’s Tall Horn traits. Every single alien on this planet is attractive, and the full-blooded mesakkah—like Mardok—are a strong-featured, noble-looking race. Like them, the islanders have broad features and chiseled jaws. The islanders are a lighter blue, without the thick plated ridging that covers the sa-khui and the mesakkah.

Unlike the mesakkah,R’jaal’s horns are sweeping and high, a bit like an antelope. The horns are very different for Shadow Cat, as they all have the small, barely arched horns that sit along their hairline and are about the size of thumbs. Unlike the other tribes, though, Shadow Cat are hairy. There’s a dark pelt of hair on I’rec’s lower arms and lower legs, and his tail is more thickly furred than the other tribes. He’s got a scatter of chest hair and a fine, dark down on his jaw that’s almost a beard.

If I’m biased, I would say that R’jaal has a more noble cast to his features, but I’rec is more feral. More rugged and wild. And then I think about how hard we fucked in the snow and against the cave wall and my thighs squeeze tightly together again, my pussy clenching on nothing but air. I should not be thinking about how I’rec fucks. This is a problem.

More than a problem. It’s a disaster. “We need to talk about a plan,” I say as I watch him bang the firestarters together. He gets a spark and leans in to blow on it, and his ass goes up in the air. I stare at it, because now I can see two dimples at the base of his spine that are just begging to be tongued and what thefuck. I cross my legs tightly, hoping the resonance sensation will drift away.

It doesn’t.

“A plan?” I’rec echoes, glancing up at me. His thick hair is normally pulled back in a tail but today it just seems to be all over the place and my hands itch to touch it. “What sort of plan?”

“For what we’re going to do?” I gesture between us. “Me and you? We can use tonight to try and work things out of our systems, but we need to think about what comes next.”

He feeds more fuel to the fire, getting the blaze going. “You are speaking nonsense, F’lor. I do not follow.”

“I mean what comes next between the two of us. Tomorrow, do you want to go back to the village and say we got lost and that’s why we couldn’t go back? Do we want to just pretend we didn’t resonate? Act like nothing happened?”

I’rec gives me a look that says my suggestion is stupid. “F’lor, there will be a kit. How will you explain that away?”

“Virgin birth?” I joke, and then wince. Except I’m not all that virginal and I don’t think anyone here would buy that God would impregnate me for shits and giggles anyhow. “Okay, you’re right. So that’s a lousy plan. But we could keep things quiet for a few months until you get Tia used to the idea.”

“Used to what idea?” He pauses, frowning at me.

“That we resonated? And you want to be with her anyhow?” I pause. “You…do want to be with her anyhow, right?”

He stares down at his dirty hands. “I cannot think straight right now, F’lor. I do not know what I want. All I know is that resonance is telling me to climb on top of you and push your thighs apart and make you mine again. It is hard to think beyond that need.”

Boy do I know what he means. “Well, wash your hands first,” I joke. “But as for the rest of it, I know just what you mean. I guess…let’s handle resonance first and figure the rest out when we can think straight.”

I’rec nods. He gets to his feet, and another bead of pre-cum gleams atop the head of his cock. My mouth waters at the sight. “Wash hands,” he says. “And then more mating. Everything else can wait.”

The heated look he shoots my way tells me that I have about thirty seconds before he’s on me again, and already my pussy is clenching with need at the thought.



When dawn arrives, my cock aches and my hips feel tight from overuse. Every bit of my skin is covered in sweat and my mane is plastered to F’lor’s skin. She curls up against me, exhausted, as I finish inside her once more, and then I hold my breath, waiting for both the pleasure to ebb and for a sign from my khui. If we have succeeded, it will grow silent, the song changing to a more pleasant, satisfied hum and F’lor will be carrying my kit.

All is quiet except for the heavy sound of my breathing, and when my khui begins to sing again, both of us groan.

“What are we going to do?” F’lor asks as I roll off of her. She draws her legs up, hugging her knees to her chest. She told me earlier that elevating her hips might help my seed reach her womb, so we have been mating with a rolled-up fur underneath her buttocks.

Tags: Ruby Dixon Paranormal