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Chapter Thirteen


Holy fuck. She really knows nothing. Ash had said as much when we all became concerned about him asking her out. She'd been sweet and shy, something Ash has a major hard-on for. Not to mention he'd had a crush on her since grade school. Come highschool, we knew she was off-limits, but Cora had been just as enamored with Ash as he was with her, and he’d asked her out anyway. No one has ever explained why the ruling members suspected she and Damien would match, it was just stated one day, when it was apparent we were getting too close with her, that that's how it was going to be and the rest of us had to come to terms with it. Drake found out afterwards that Damien was aware as far back as he can remember knowing about the Order, so it had to be something that happened when we were too young to remember.

Jaeger’s dad had even moved them closer to her after Jaeger matched with Damien at an introductory meeting in their teens. It was only going to be a matter of time before Damien and Jaeger claimed her upon her ascension, and we all dreaded losing her. It was a finality we couldn't fight against, and maybe that’s why Ash took the chance that he did.

The rest of us had kept it to friends only, or in my case— asshole territory. It was easier than letting her see the attraction I held for her, as we all did. Easier to keep her away, anyway. As for me, it's always been hell, but back then we weren't meant to be, and now— well, now it's safer for her stay away from all of us. The current situation is a temptation I’m having a hard time ignoring, and I know the others are as well. Ash nearly jumped on it, but she scorned him too, and he isn't taking it so well. Although it's funny as hell seeing her messing with him even if I have to pretend it's not. Getting her to leave would be the best thing for her, even if it will screw the rest of us, but her stubborn ass is taking it as a personal challenge. I’ve gotta give her props for taking me down; my throat still feels sore. It makes it hard to keep chasing her away when all I really want to do is keep pushing her to fight, to never back down, but that might get her killed in the long run.

Cora doesn't know it, but she saved our asses. That same meeting had matched me and Drake, and then Riggs and Ash to be pairs for a coterie, but we were never meant to be a larger group. It came out later what we had done, after all the shit went down with Damien. He'd tried to claim her in a frenzy induced by his ascension or by something the Order had orchestrated, and our own had all quickly followed. Cora had been holed up at home during that time, away from all of us after our betrayal. Not that I blame her for it. We had no recourse, even if we hated it. The days after that summer night were filled with induction ceremonies and evenings spent with specialized classes learning the basics of the craft and the magic behind it.

Most children of Order members knew the gist of what went on by the time they were teenagers, but due to the covenants of silence and secrecy, we weren't allowed to discuss it until after our induction ceremonies. Not all family members are accepted into the Order— or they're marked as low-tier vessels, only good for consumption. Which makes me and the others think that maybe Cora never knew about any of it in the first place. She’d never directly brought anything up, so I’d assumed she was keeping her mouth shut about it like my dad had warned me to do before we moved in with her and her mom. The four of us had been breaking the rules when we played with things we didn’t understand after discovering what was in store for us. It's when us four received our marks that caused the problem. Drake was the only one that was supposed to get one that night, as we'd each have our own individual ceremonies, but when the rune was carved into his wrist, mine, Ash, and Riggs' arms lit up— without a mark on us. To say the members were pissed is an understatement and we had to reveal the unsanctioned blood bond we'd made.

I swallow hard, remembering the decree that came down after we’d fessed up. We were to be used as vessels for our punishment. If any of us survived, then so be it, but most likely we’d have ended up like Olivia. A shudder works its way through me at the reminder-- it was our first direct participation in that manner— and a stark example of the repercussions if we fail in our duties. Cora being tied to us through Drake gave us a reprieve. The council members of the Order still aren't happy with us, but they don't want to fuck up her ascension, and without her siphons, she'll burn out, especially if rumors of what the Axiom can do are true.

"Agreed, Blaise?" Jaeger saying my name brings me back to the present matters— and I have no clue what I'm supposed to agree to.

"Uh, sure, why not?" My agreeance is met by Cora's sniff of disbelief, and I know I'm going to regret answering blindly.

"You're just gonna let it go? All of it? No more rude shit?" She smirks at me, adding, "You weren't paying attention at all, were you?"

Obviously not. And of course no one would fill me in because that's what Jaeger wants. To refuse after I've just agreed will most likely end up with my ass kicked. The idiot is convinced we can save her from the council members’ machinations. Personally, I'd prefer if she ran away, but the knowledge that other sects will be salivating at the chance to snap her up means she wouldn't stay free for long— everyone knows it's only a matter of time before one of the chapters pops up with this generation's Axiom Host. It's a damned mess all around, and we're all unwilling participants. The dean wasn't playing around. Maybe Jaeger's plan to use her after we're bound DOES have merit. It's not the most altruistic reason for going along, but it will have to do.

"You all prattling on hurts my head. Maybe you shouldn't injure people if you expect them to hang on your every word." Her face reddens in anger, and before anyone else can get on me, literally in Cora's case, I hold my hands up. "That wasn't even bad! I'll work on it, okay?"

Her irritation doesn't lessen, but she grits out "Fine" before sitting her now empty container on the coffee table and limping off the short distance to her room.

When she's gone, the guys start bitching at me, but I hold up my hand again, stalling them. "What's wrong with her leg?" They seem surprised at my concern, and I realize I may have played the asshole a bit too well, even around my friends. "Seriously, I was thinking about other shit, but I’ll try. What does she need?"

Ash starts before Jaeger can. "Cora said she needs to do less physically and sleep better. And keep her appointments— there's going to be a scan set up to make sure everything is okay, probably tomorrow if they can get her in. Otherwise, just don’t overexert herself. She is missing a kidney.” He leaves out the other organ she’s missing, but I wince internally at the reminder.

It probably doesn’t matter what I do. After my comments, I doubt she’ll ever see me as more than the jerk that rubbed salt on her fresh wounds. At least Riggs hadn’t been quite as awful; honestly, him being a shit to her the first day was surprising considering he’s as hung up on her as Ash. It makes sense they'd be interested in the same female with them being paired as siphons for their coterie-- all they’d needed before was to find their vessel, but with all of us tied to Drake who took Damien's place with Cora, I guess that’s no longer an issue. He's been keeping quiet the last few days, and I wonder what’s going on with him. Usually he's not shy about voicing his opinions.

Attempting to suss him, out I bring up the need for Cora's chaperoning, staring at him directly. "So, should we get a schedule figured out that fits around us all, or what?"

His scowl is immediate. "Why are you looking at me, Blaise? Seems Jaeger and Ash have it under control so far. We each keep an eye on her in classes. Isn't that enough for you?"

Jaeger intervenes before we can get into an argument, determined to keep the peace and save us from ourselves. "Is there a problem with escorting Cora that we should know about?” Jaeger’s stern countenance indicates that he’d better not.

Riggs’ jaw is set, obviously unhappy with something. “I’d hoped to have a personal life while I can, Jag,” he whisper shouts at us, knowing the walls aren’t thick enough to stop more than a quiet conversation from carrying to Cora. "This entire thing is doomed. We only got a stay of execution. When she ascends, we'll be the council's bitches more than we are least until she's burnt out and of no further use to them, then who knows what will happen, but it won't end well."

"I thought you wanted Cora too, Riggs. What changed?" Ash's confusion mirrors my own, but has an added dose of betrayal mixed in. Maybe Riggs had meant it when he told Cora she’d caused our problems.

Riggs’ reply is angry, almost venomous. “That’s the point though, isn’t it, Ash? We won’t have her. What’s the point in getting our hopes up for the Order to just come in and crush them anyway?” His logic is probably correct, but he’s apparently not even going to bother trying. Fucking coward. I want to know when my friend became such a pussy and let others control him. Probably right about the same time you all fucked Cora over. I have to battle the shame over that bonehead move down to deal with the one in front of me.

Ash echoes my thoughts. “So what? You’re going to be the resident partying fuck-boy and bury your head in the sand until you can’t anymore? How’s that going to help matters?”

With a snarl marring the sharp features girls fawn over, Riggs is about to reply to Ash, but the opening of Cora’s bedroom forestalls it.

“One more thing…” She takes in the tense atmosphere as she steps out of her room. “Uh, am I interrupting?” Riggs' expression morphs into a mulish pout, while Jaeger shakes his head. “Okay, well, if we’re going to call a truce, your guests have to be nicer. I live here too and will for the foreseeable future. If I can’t ask for new housing and you have to be around me all the time, the least you can do is make sure your fangirls keep their mouths shut when they’re in here.” Cora’s back is straight, but I can see the tremble of what I think is nervousness in her hands. She’s never been big on confrontation unless it’s in the heat of the moment. She’ll defend herself just fine, but coming out and initiating a possible disagreement has always been rare.

Taking the opportunity to extend the olive branch even further, I answer for all of us, much to Riggs’ dismay. “We’ll make sure any company we have in here or that hangs out with us are polite.” Riggs opens his mouth again, but Ash, close enough to reach, swings out an arm to backhand his stomach.

Her forehead creases, nose wrinkling as if she’d expected an argument. And possibly before our meeting with the dean it would have gone that way, but we all have to protect our asses as a group now. “I think I’m going to have a nap. Uh, thanks?” She disappears, shutting her door before any of us can respond.

Riggs though, he’s pissed. “Thanks a lot, asshole. Next time, speak for yourself. The only way to get over that piece of ass in there,” he snarls, finger jutting toward Cora’s door, “is to put it in another one.” He storms out, snatching his keys off the wall as he goes. The slamming of the door punctuates his departure, and I worry that Cora will come back out to see what happened, but she doesn’t, and now I’m worrying that she heard what he said.

Drake is glaring at the door Riggs left through with his arms crossed. I glance between Jaeger and Ash, and the latter shrugs, but Jaeger cautions, “Just let him go. He needs to cool down, and we’ll only antagonize him more.” I nod, agreeing with him, but something is still bugging me about the way he’s acting. Only time will tell what he’s hiding.

Tags: Emma Cole Paranormal