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It doesn't take either of them long to get off. The scales on their wrists, and on the other three who watch silently with dead stares, light up to match the larger version glowing on Olivia's back. She begins to sag between them until they're all that's holding her up with Jaeger’s hands on her hips and Drake’s on her head.

The scales glow brighter as their movements culminate in a crescendo of light and they pull out, trailing their fluids from the slack orifices. Riggs steps forward with a formerly unseen blade, pulls Olivia's head back by her hair, and swipes it across her neck, resulting in a spray of red across the altar and the area under it.

Olivia slumps down, eyes staring sightlessly in death while Riggs backs away. All the men silently put their robes back on and, except for my five roommates and Drake's uncle, file into the guardhouse. I try to stay silent and not have a panic attack while furiously wiping the tears from my face. The guilt is heavy— no matter that I couldn't have known what their endgame was. The girl had been rude, but it didn't warrant this. The guys I used to be friends with are rapists and murders, and I'm living with them. Not to mention the staff is in on it, probably the entire board as well.

Drake's uncle addresses the guys nonchalantly, as if they did this kind of thing every day, and gestures at the girl's remains. "The meeting will commence inside once this is cleaned up."

He leaves my five roommates in the courtyard while he goes into the gatehouse.

With them occupied by their grisly task away from the wall, I very quietly sneak out from behind the bushes and make my way as quickly as possible back to my dorm room. As soon as I'm safely inside my room and Ash's keycard is back on his dresser, I collapse in a sobbing heap on my bed. When the worst of it abates, I realize how bad things could get if I were caught with the evidence and immediately send the video to an email I don't use then delete it from my phone.

I don't know how I can explain any of what went on to the police, and first I would have to get off campus as I'm positive being here when it went down wouldn't go well. Who knows who all is on it. If there's any chance to bring it to light, surely something of this magnitude would break my contract and put away all of them involved. Except I don't know who several of them were as they never took their robes off.

While I debate the morality of waiting and trying to find out more, I shower, trying to scrub the feelings from my skin. A niggling voice is telling me that these men are powerful, and the police could very well have been there tonight for all I know. The reach of the university is no secret, and I'm directly under their thumb.

I go to bed where I have a hard time falling asleep but don't dare take any medication in case something else happens. I'm beginning to connect the dots, but they don't quite make a full picture, and I'm not sure exactly where I fit into this other than I'm determined not to end up like Olivia— raped and throat slit like a slaughtered pig.

Tags: Emma Cole Paranormal