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"Cora, hey, it's going to be alright." He reaches a hand out tentatively, placing it on my knee when I don't protest. "Blaise was just being a dick. You know how he likes to run his mouth. Besides, you did a number on his room. You should have seen his face when we came in! I swear, he was two seconds from pissing himself. And the poor lamp, that thing is mangled." His attempt at comfort and levity helps me settle a bit. The fact that he doesn’t give me shit for it is another plus.

Regardless, I'm still worried. "I don't know what happened. I just got so mad. Am I going to get kicked out now?" I peer up through tear-soaked lashes to Ash's blue gaze.

"No, Drake will set Blaise straight. You've been through a lot; you're bound to get overwhelmed now and again." Something I can't name flits across Ash's countenance, and I know he's not quite telling the truth. Before I can call him on it, he continues. "What did you need Blaise for? You should have come to me."

I don't want to explain why I hadn't, but he had rescued me. Or Blaise, rather. "Your music was on, and after earlier and last night, I-- I didn't want to see--" Embarrassment flushes my already red, tear-stained cheeks.

Ash laughs, genuinely this time. "I was working out. No girls for me, Cora. Not in my room anyway." He seems lost in thought for a moment, and I become acutely aware of his fingers rubbing random patterns on my leg. "Let's get you fixed up, and I'll help with whatever you need."

The offer has relief coursing through me, and I readily accept. While he gets to his feet, I tell him my issue. "I can't leave the suite without an escort, and I need to unpack, but my stuff is in my car."

"Sure, let me get some shoes on, and we'll go down." No mention of the decree or reaction to it, so at least Jag hadn't been lying. Which sucks, but I'll figure it out. A quick trip to the bathroom makes my skin feel better but doesn't alleviate the signs of my breakdown.

As we leave, I can still hear Drake and Blaise talking in his room. I hope Drake makes it clear it's not okay to act like that and doesn't condone it behind closed doors.

Conscious of my tear-stained face, I avoid eye contact with the handful of students we pass on the way to my vehicle. Thankfully, it's only a few boxes and two rolling suitcases, and we manage to attach the boxes to the tops of them with the straps. Ash takes the loaded suitcases while I take the last box and lock up before we make the short trek to the building.

Tags: Emma Cole Paranormal