Page 43 of Nightingale

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Chapter Fourteen

A Bad Penny Always Turns Up

We get woken up by a blaring noise from an intercom on the wall. Apollo just about scalps me as his hand was tangled in my hair when he bolted upright. Marcus had beaten Apollo out of bed, but at my screech, he spins back around.

“Fuck, dude. Wait!” Apollo pauses long enough to disentangle himself with a wide-eyed Brade’s help. Rubbing my scalp, I follow more sedately but no less concerned. “That’s the alert that someone is coming up the drive, right?” I ask my bestie.

“I think so. It’s probably Rex and Emmett, but they should have called ahead and reset the alarm after they crossed it.”

Now I am worried. Crowding against Apollo’s side, I wait for their verdict. He lifts an arm, tucking me under it like it’s more natural now than not, to do so. Despite my concern, I’m glowing inside at the gesture.

Marcus mutters something about needing to put a video feed in the bedroom before he stalks out, dressed only in his boxers with his hair mussed. Seeing his bedhead, I briefly wonder about my own but quickly dismiss it. I rarely care about that type of thing, and I feel odd worrying about it now of all times. We all follow Marcus the short distance to the security room and relax at the sight of Emmett and Rex in what I think is the same SUV they left in.

Apollo shares a confused look with Marcus. “Why wouldn’t they key in the code on the phone?” Marcus shakes his head, apparently not knowing either.

Figuring they have things under control and the urge to pee rearing up, I excuse myself from the room to get dressed. The display in the security room had shown that we’d slept almost the entire day away. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure it’s going to take a day or so to get back on a normal sleep schedule.

After doing my business and getting dressed, I spy the SUV pulling in to park and start to make my way downstairs to greet them. At the landing I realize I’ve forgotten something and run back to my room to retrieve it.


I’m eager to get back to the cabin, and Lark in particular. At this point they’re probably all freaking out over the alarm, but it seems someone made off with the souped-up burner phone. Thankfully it was only the security portion that had been added to it, and without the codes and knowledge of what they’re for, no one would be able to mess with anything.

Finally, we’ve made it up the long-ass driveway, and I swear I see a shadow cross Lark’s window and wonder if she's been watching for us. My musing is interrupted by my partner.


My head whips toward him. “The fuck you say? No way, bro.”

“I called it first.” He’s adamant, and his profile is extra tense.

“What’s crawled up your ass? How about we let her choose? Or better yet-- share.” I can almost hear him grinding his jaw, but he only jerks his head in a short nod.

We both go to race inside, but our greeting with Lark is postponed when Marcus comes out of the shadow of the carport, gun in hand but at least pointed down.

“What happened?” he demands. I so don’t want to tell him someone picked up the phone.

Thankfully, Rex answers, which works for me. “The phone got scooped up in the evidence collection, and we have to wait for it all to be cataloged before we can get it back.” Sheepishly, he adds, “Neither of us could remember the number for the one you had, and we hadn’t written it down just in case. We didn’t think about losing the phone, but the SUV was searched, and it was taken.”

Marcus doesn’t look happy, but he holsters his weapon. “Well, come on then. Someone is waiting for the both of you. I made her go to the den just in case. I can reset the codes remotely and fry the system, so you don’t need to worry about getting it back. If it’s off, the reset will happen as soon as it gets turned back on."

I breathe a sigh of relief echoed by Rex as Marcus heads for the back door. At least that went well. We follow behind and come up on him as he's talking quietly to Apollo, the man also putting a gun away. They definitely aren't messing around with security, which is highly reassuring even with Robert locked away again. I have a feeling that they'll never fully relax their guard. Not after the lives they've led.

Impatient, Rex and I briefly greet Apollo then beeline for the den. Only to come up short as an armed Braeden rounds the corner.

"Jesus, fuck, Brade. I know you saw us." Rex isn't amused, but Braeden is.

"Just keeping you on your toes, caveman." He hikes a thumb over his shoulder. "She declined to have one since she saw you from upstairs. I'll let you two go on in; I'm going to put this up." He indicates the weapon in his hand and disappears down the hall.

Rex and I eye each other. "Should we believe him?" I ask. Rex shrugs and continues on. Guess he's going first anyway.

He warily opens the door after calling out, and when he opens it, he gets an armful of our beautiful brunette.

"Took you long enough, you ass." Correction, our mouthy, beautiful brunette.

Rex chuckles, his face alight with happiness as he hugs Lark to him. He pulls back enough, plainly intending to go for a kiss, but he stops dead in his tracks.

"You're wearing it," he says, voice full of wonder.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic