Page 14 of Nightingale

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Chapter Seven

100% Special Snowflake


Barely a moment passes after Lark slams the door behind her before Rex is peering up the staircase. "What did the two of you manage to do to piss Lark off?"

I could ask the same and can only shrug at him after a glance at Braeden, who doesn't seem to know either.

"I'd vote PMS, but that's not plausible. Maybe just hormones. Although, she seemed rather annoyed that I'd managed to get a splinter in my back," Braeden answers Rex.

I'm at a loss about that one too. "Maybe you should follow her then, Rex. I only came up a minute ago, so I'm clueless, too."

"I planned on it already. Wish me luck that I don't fuck it up and come back a eunuch."

After Rex leaves, I raise a questioning brow at Lark's other half. He just shrugs again, looking helpless. Deciding maybe Rex will come back with answers, I change the subject.

"So, you'll be okay watching Brent while Rex and I are gone?" None of us are happy about it, but the guy we're going to see has been legit in the past. He's the one that sent us in Apollo's direction in the first place when we were looking for Rex's friend that ghosted. Only problem is that he'll only talk in person. He left a message on one of Rex's burner phones with a meeting place several hours from where we are. After explaining things, Apollo had relented and gave the cabin's location. Plus, with Lark's condition, we plan on using the trip to pick up some vitamins for her.

With Braeden's assurance that he'll help watch Brent, I give him my thanks and go to finish getting ready while I wait for Rex to come back. Marcus has Apollo keeping Brent busy, so he can't follow the vehicle we'll be taking. I'm hoping Lark is in a better mood as I'd like to tell her goodbye but chuckle to myself at the thought of Rex having to break it to her that we're leaving while she's in such a shitty mood. Fucker deserves some grief.


"Lark, babe, wait up!" I've been wandering around in circles trying to figure out where she went. Somehow she had managed to disappear before I saw which direction she took, and I've finally caught up to her. Her back stiffens when she hears me, but at least she stops her brisk walk. As I come up next to her, she turns to face me, and she doesn't look pleased. "Hey," I start softly, "it's not safe for you to be out here by yourself.

We wouldn't even know if someone took you." That's not quite accurate, but it would take time to go through the surveillance Marcus has set up in the area.

Of course, she's gotta snark back. "I highly doubt anybody knows we're up here; I'd be more likely to get eaten by the local wildlife. Besides, you all come out here all the time. I can directly see the path that you've been running on." She points to the ground where a track has been trampled. "Or you've claimed to have been running on," she mutters under her breath.

I'm confused and worried about the last bit. I hope that she doesn't think we've been lying to her, especially after my promise to do better.

"What are you talking about? We have been out here running— almost everyday. And speaking of running, I need to talk to you about something, too. Besides wanting to check and make sure you're okay, I came to tell you that Emmett and I have to go on a run. We'll probably be gone for a couple of days." I add the last with a wince, expecting her to get pissed.

Her expression vacillates between anger and worry before finally settling on something in between. "Are you two going to go get up to some extracurriculars this time too? Or is that just him and Braeden?"

At that accusation, I'm at a loss of what to say. If she means what I think she means, Emmett and Braeden have some explaining to do. But first… "I have apologized for taking that assignment, and I have no interest in ever again taking on something that would make me be unfaithful to you." She seems slightly mollified with that, and I decide to shelve the other thing for the moment while I let her know what's going on.

"You remember my friend that was staying with me? The whole reason everything started to begin with, right?" She nods her head, and I keep going. "Well, I just found a message from him, and he won't meet unless I'm there in person." Worry sets in her expression, and I'm quick to hold my hands up and explain further. "We know it's a risk, but if it helps wrap this up with Robert and get us back to our normal lives, then I think it's a good idea that we take the chance. We're also going to pick you up some supplements too. It's something one of the pregnancy websites says is necessary to ensure you and the baby stay healthy. Is there anything else you want me to pick up while we're gone? I'm not sure when we'll have a chance again."

She looks like she can't decide what she wants, and I feel bad for bombarding her.

"I think I'm good. I didn't know you had been looking up what I might need." Her voice is softer toward me than it has been in a long time, and I want to wrap her up in my arms, but I'm afraid to scare her off. Instead, I fess up to my shortcomings.

"Yeah, well, I can't exactly be a responsible adult and partner without trying to make sure you have what you need." I didn't expect the big smile she gives me, but it goes a long way to making me feel like I'm on the right track.

With a crease forming between her eyes, she asks, "Am I doing the right thing? I mean, if Braeden and Emmett have to sneak off. And I don't know what's going on with Apollo and Marcus half the time. Apollo kissed me when he picked me up at home and now nada. Then there's Brent, and me, and you... I just don't— urgh, it's all mixed up, and I just don't know." Her confused rant ends with her arms akimbo and a miserable look on her face.

This time I do step forward and envelop her in my arms. "Honey, I don't know the particulars, but I'm really doubting that my partner and your best friend would do anything behind your back." I talk in her hair, inhaling the sweet scent while I try my best to reassure her. "Did you ask Braeden what they were doing?" I wait a moment after her nod, but she doesn't elaborate. "What would make you think that they were doing anything behind your back? I think they would come and talk to you first if that's something they wanted to do, don't you think?"

She sighs before pulling back. I hate to release her, but I can't trap her to me.

"Yes," she starts after blowing out a breath, "he said that him and Emmett were going for a run, and somehow when he leaned against a tree without his shirt on, he got a pretty decent-sized splinter in his back. Well, he didn't know it was a splinter at the time. Or even that anything had happened until this morning. That's what I was helping him with before I came for a walk. So really, tell me what they would have been doing for him not to notice that without his shirt on. It seems pretty convenient to me."

I'm not sure what to say because I still don't think that's what happened, and it probably was exactly like they said, but I try anyway. "It does get hot on the runs— I've even taken my own shirt off. Maybe consider that it really was innocent and he's just a dude that didn't notice?"

"I suppose it's possible. It just seems weird." She doesn't outright deny my suggestion, but I can still tell she's not fully on board with the idea.

I thank my lucky stars that she didn't take it out on me, but with that thought concern follows. Things can't always be so volatile. It's understandable under our current conditions, but hopefully things improve, or I don't see how any of this is going to work out. The instant sharp fear that invokes makes my chest hurt.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic