Page 11 of Nightingale

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Chapter Six

You Are Not Alone...Ever— (facepalm)

Despite suddenly feeling tired and deflated like a popped balloon after my meltdown, I trudge out of my bedroom ahead of Emmett and Braeden. I thought the others would be in the kitchen, but Emmett gestures me back to the den.

It's dead silent when I walk in, and instead of giving anyone the opportunity to sit next to me, I snag the ottoman that matches the chair Brent is in and tug it to the doorway. The others jump to stop me until I glare them all into submission. Braeden and Emmett sit next to Rex on the sectional while Marcus stands guard next to the recliner Apollo is in.

They all stare at me expectantly, and I'm really not inclined to help them out. Emmett said they wanted to say their piece, and that's all I am here for. I am resolved to not argue, and keeping my mouth shut is the best course of action for that.

Rex finally breaks. I really thought it would have been Brent with some rude comment, but maybe after Apollo's warning, he’s playing it safe.

"I take it you're waiting on us to start?" I shrug then think that might be antagonistic and nod my head. "Do you know how far along you are?" I scowl at him.

How is this saying their part? This is a fucking interrogation. I shift my glare to Emmett who holds up his hands.

"Dammit, Lark, you'll have to give some information." I just cross my arms to add to the glare. "You're literally going to hold me to what I said?" I nod. They can play their alpha male bullshit, doesn't mean I have to participate. "Would anyone like to say anything to Lark regarding the possibility of fathering her baby and how you feel about it?" Emmett may have preached about acting like an adult, but now he's the one staring at the ceiling, uncomfortable being the one forced to initiate the share circle.

It's a hard battle to keep the mirth off my face, but I manage. Admittedly, I almost lose it when Rex looks at Emmett like he's lost his mind. Even Apollo and Marcus have suspiciously tucked their lips in.

Brent raises his hand. "I'm easy. If it's mine, I'd prefer you terminate, but if you keep it, I'll sign over parental rights. After this mess is over, I'm getting my mom and sister, if they're willing to go, and disappearing. Even if they're not, I'm still going. That good for everybody?" He may have asked the question, but he doesn't wait for anyone to answer it. "Good talk, then. I'll be upstairs if you need me." He pushes up from the chair and leaves the room.

Marcus, the sneak, beelines for the vacated chair and smiles at me. I'm kinda weirded out by it to be honest. It's big, and toothy and very un-Marcus-y. Plus the dude has waited them all out and now scooted his chair closer to me.

What the fuck is his deal?

"In case Solovey here gets any ideas to escape." He actually winks at me. I keep my mouth shut, but again, Rex just can't handle it.

"Could you stop calling her that? We already have Apollo joining in with Braeden on the bird thing, and apparently even my partner had to give her a pet name." Rex shoots a scathing look at said partner.

"I could, but I won't. I like it." Marcus peers over at me. "Unless you want me to stop?"

I pretend to stare at the unlit fireplace like I can't see him. When he keeps staring, the silence gets to me, and I lose my resolve to keep quiet. "Don't drag me into this. This is between you all." I gesture at the lot of them.

"See, she likes it too. Besides, what kind of endearment is 'babe' or 'baby'? Unoriginal." I swear Marcus is trying to make Rex's head pop off. He makes a strangled noise but doesn't retaliate when Emmett bumps him with his shoulder.

The rest of them are just letting it happen too. And they claimed I was the one not acting like an adult. I almost open my mouth to scold them all when I catch Marcus watching my reaction. Instead, I start picking at my nails. They're not going to irritate me to get their way. Except for Rex, I'm pretty sure they're all in on it whether they planned it or not. Rex is just a dick. I can't blame them for trying though because past events have shown I'm a bit quick to voice my opinions.

I'm not sure if Braeden gets tired of waiting or what, but he finally gets down to it. "Birdie, you know where I stand. It's up to you, but no matter whose it is, if you want to keep it, I'll still be right here with you."

I figured as much, but Rex's muttered, "Of course you will" draws the attention back to him, and I think he's about to get thumped by everyone in the room.

"What? Like you weren't all thinking the same thing. The Greek God over here isn't going anywhere ever, not even with a shovel and duct tape. He'd just get loose, fuck you up, and come right back to his Birdie."

"Given it a lot of thought there, haven't you, Lover Boy? And you're correct, consider us a package deal because even "my Birdie" wouldn't be able to make me leave." Brade doesn't bother to look at Rex, and after fishing around for the catch for the reclining foot, he kicks back and stretches out. Guess he's had his say.

Apollo is next, and I'm nervous for what he'll say.

"You know my past," he says, pausing and waiting for me to nod at him, "so you know my reservations. Add in the new developments I'm working on verifying and it makes for a very dangerous situation. That being said, I've rarely considered the thought of having a family for many reasons. Not that I would be opposed to one if other things didn't factor in. What I'm trying to say is that I'll support you no matter what if it's mine, and I'd like to be there for you even if it's not. The manner may change depending on what happens with Robert and law enforcement, plus any fallout from those who eluded capture." I wait for him to say more, but he doesn't, and Marcus throws his two cents.

"I'm with Apollo on all counts. Except for if it's mine." I glare at him. He doesn't have to be happy about someone else's kid, but he could have been nicer after being my insurance to stay put. "I'm sterile, so I'm not in the running for Lark's baby daddy."

He tries to make light of it, but I get the gist that he's disappointed and promise myself to talk to him later about it. For now, I reach out to pat his hand, and he flips his over and ends up holding mine. I can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure that it isn't an accident and he knows I wasn't trying to hold his hand. Regardless, I definitely don't feel comfortable calling him out on it at the moment. Sneaky bugger.

One out, three in with two having reservations. Which leaves Emmett and Rex.

"Not gonna lie, I've always planned on having a family. Either way, if it's mine or not, you aren't getting rid of me even if we're only friends. I think I'll make a badass uncle. Was already planning on that anyway whenever my partner here got off his ass and locked you in." I can only blink at Emmett. That's got to be the sweetest, and yet still crass, thing ever.

"Of course I've got to follow that, you dick. Whatever happened to bros be— uh…" Rex visibly panics, swallows hard, and starts blabbering. "I love you, baby. And I'll love our baby whether it's mine or not. Just forget my foot tried to climb in my mouth again, please. I didn't mean it like that. Fuck, I'm fucking this all up." He runs his hands down his face, groaning. "Just tell me what you need, and I'll do it. I know I've fucked up and you're still probably going to make me pay in many interesting ways for a very long time, but I'll take it. I'll take it all, just don't cut me out. Let me have the chance to make it up to you. And if you can't, I understand, but let me be a part of the baby's life. Please." He looks so haunted I feel my own eyes prick with tears.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic