Page 7 of Lark

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Chapter Five

Not Following the Rules

I wake up to low voices and the sound of the shower running, not moving or opening my eyes yet, but I can hear Braeden and Emmett talking.

“How long do you think before we can get out of here?” Braeden asks.

“Let’s not discuss that openly, never know who might be listening in, and I like my head attached to my body. I’ll let you know as soon as I know anything. I’m more worried right now, over what's going to be done with the two of you. You weren’t originally part of the buyer’s acquisition. I don’t know how Apollo plans to keep you from the general rotation.”

That same concern has been running in the back of my mind since I woke up and found out what had happened, and it seems Braeden shares my thoughts.

Braeden continues to voice his concerns, “I’m worried about Lark, women tend to get it worse in these types of situations. Frankly, I’m used to getting buttfucked, fucking others, and sucking dick. It’s not like I’m a straight guy getting his anal cherry popped. Can’t say being forced into it is going to be a cakewalk, but I have less orifices than Lark.”

Oh, shit. I’m gonna get fucked in the ass. Rex and I played a bit with that, but only in little ways, and a finger rubbing on the outside is a lot different than a dick on the inside. At least Rex is going to get the same treatment. It would be kinda hot to see him getting mounted. I’ve had my finger in his ass during blow jobs, and he seemed to like it well enough, but in our case, what was good for the gander was not happening with the goose. I snicker silently. That makes me feel a little better, but also a tad ashamed for feeling it at the same time.

“Not much we can do on that right now." Emmett, answers him. "We’ll just have to try our best to keep her with us exclusively.”

Oh my god, I’m going to have to fuck my best friend and Rex’s partner, and they’ll all be watching and fucking each other as well. I'm going to have a fucking panic attack. I want to go home. I curse Rex again as I stretch and sit up, causing the guys to stop talking.

“How long was I asleep for?”

Braeden answers me. “A couple hours, how are you feeling?”

“A little better, still woke up here though.” I grimace at that fact.

The water in the bathroom shuts off, and a few minutes later, Rex comes out in sweats, barefoot, and rubbing a towel over his wet hair. Asshole, needs to put a shirt on. I turn away, refusing to look at him.

He stops in front of me, but I still won't look up at him. “Are you going to be angry with me forever? I tried to do the right thing, Lark. I never meant to drag you into this.” I glance up long enough to glare into his sapphire eyes, and yes, I really do stillwant to blacken them.

“Fuck you, Rex. Get me out of here,” I say, my voice monotone. I need to distance myself from this, from him.

Braeden comes over to my bed and pulls me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my torso, making me feel safe for the moment, but I know it won’t last. Rex looks on disapprovingly, but I don’t care. He can go fuck himself.

Emmett speaks to me instead, probably hoping I’m less angry at him. “Lark, you’re going to have to be prepared to not get out of here right away. I’m not sure how long it will take for a message to get to our contact, and then for an extraction team to be sent in. All we can do is stay alive until they get here. I know we’ve never really bonded much, but I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I came of my own free will, as did Rex. I’ll do my best to respect you.”

I’m kind of surprised he would make such a declaration. He hasn't come around the house much when I’ve been there, even though he lives there. I think Rex asked him to make himself scarce after he walked in on us naked, me going down on Rex as he sat on the couch. He'd stood in the doorway and stared a little too long, even if it was an accident. I guess he's probably about to get his curiosity satisfied.

Realizing I should probably say something, I respond, “Thank you, Emmett. I appreciate it.” I stay snuggled for a bit in Brade’s lap until the sound of the main door opening and closing interrupts us. I tense, and Braeden holds me tighter, as Rex and Emmett stand to block us both. Apollo and his little buddy, Marcus, appear in the doorway. Marcus, the one in front, addresses us.

“All of you use the toilet, then clean your genitals thoroughly with these, put them in the trash, not the toilet, when you’re through. Once you've finished, come into the room at the end of the hall, the last person in must close the door and make sure it latches.” Marcus throws each of us a pack of wipes, and Rex catches them, turning without a word, and walks to the bathroom doorway, leaning against the frame.

“What the fuck?” This from Emmett. “Right down to it then, huh? 'Sanitizing wipes for the perineal area'." He reads off the packet he received. "Lovely. Who’s first, then?”

“You and I will go first, then Lark, and Braeden can bring up the rear. I don’t want her in first or last on anything. If we can keep her in the middle, we can at least try to protect her.” Rex pushes off the door-jamb to go into the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later with no expression on his face as he heads out the door.

Emmett does the same, then it’s my turn, and Braeden kisses my forehead before ushering me off his lap and toward the bathroom. A deep flush creeps up my chest, turning my face red, knowing that everyone knows what I’m doing, and from the fact that I know they had to do it too.

My hands are shaking as I close the door and read the instructions. Just like when you need to pee in a cup at the doctor's office. I do my business, wipe correctly with three wipes, wash my hands, and leave the bathroom, unable to look at my best friend as I pass.

The door with the electronic lock is standing open, but I can’t see directly into the room thanks to the little entry area blocking the view. There's enough space in it for two people, and I can see it turns at least two corners before it ends. I think its purpose is to actually keep either room from seeing into the other, even with the door open. I linger at the second corner, getting my courage up. The timeout allows Braeden to catch up with me, and I reach back for his hand. With a deep breath, I round the corner, and just stare with my mouth hanging open.

It’s a fucking sex fiend’s deviant playground. There are odd things all over, not to mention the clear cupboards and drawers filled with objects. All the surfaces and fronts of the counters and cupboards appear to be plexiglass, not quite as crystal clear as regular glass. Guess it would hold up better in this type of area. Honestly, I’m not even sure where to begin. Completely petrified, I’m squeezing the shit out of Brade’s hand, and have zero interest in letting go.

The room is large, nearly twice the size of the apartment we just left. There are several chair type things that look like a cross between a dentist's chair and a gynecological exam table but with more arms and a little slimmer. A shiver runs across my skin looking at them. There are two sling/swing contraptions hung next to each other on sliding tracts and stocks set up near those. On the wall is what I think is called a St. Andrew’s Cross, although I doubt saintly things are performed with it. Who knows, maybe that one was the saint of perverts? On another wall are bars extending out like in a handicapped toilet and metal holes inset in the wall between them. Not sure I want to find out what exactly those are for either. The cabinets are full of sex toys and gadgets and other equipment I can’t quite make out from where I stand. There are stainless steel rolling tables set next to the different stations, the type you find in medical facilities.

I don’t want to step into the room, but Braeden takes the lead and pulls me with him to stand near the others. Apollo is sitting in a chair near a counter, and Marcus is doing something around the side of it, leaving Apollo to address us this time.

“I’ve managed to add the two new ones to the program." His wording is odd, like we aren't people. It gives me the creeps. "Same conditions apply as for the originals, with the exception that if the buyer doesn’t want all four of you, the other two,” he gestures, indicating me and Braeden, “will be auctioned off at the end of the training program. That gives us six weeks to complete this. Note, however, that any insubordination will be punished. I cannot avoid that, so please consider your actions carefully. You never know when you are being watched, and I cannot keep the jammers I have in place on indefinitely without arousing suspicion. Marcus will take over while I observe.”

I can’t decide if I should throw my hissy now or bide my time. I don’t want to just willingly take this, but I’m not sure what other option I have. The guys seem to be going along with it, and I can’t rebel without their support unless it’s more serious than it has been so far. I decide just to go along for now, pick my battles, or whatever shit applies to this situation.

That thought lasts all of sixty seconds before I balk. Marcus takes the stage and begins speaking, well, dictating is more like it. “You will all strip, then fold and place your clothing in these bins. I am going to number you instead of using your names. You," he points at Rex, "are One." Points next at Emmett, then Braeden, and finally at me, numbering us as he goes. " You are Two, you will be Three, and you are Four. You will learn to respond to them or be punished.” He sets out the bins on the counter.

The men move to do as instructed, but I stand there and cross my arms defiantly. No way am I getting naked in front of five guys. I only know three, and only two have seen me completely naked and only one on purpose. Marcus looks at me, and I stare back. “You will do as you were instructed, Four, or I will remove them myself, and you will not receive any type of covering back for the rest of the day. Am I clear?” The frostiness coming off his tone is enough to have the guys moving back toward me protectively. I can’t have them getting hurt over my modesty. I sigh and wave them off as I move past them. Reaching the counter, I take my clothes off, placing them in the bin after folding them.

Marcus is staring again. “You didn’t shave. Did you not see the instructions in the closet?” I’m trying not to gape at the naked men around me. They’re all buff and hot, even my bestie. And hairless. Where the hell did Rex and Brade's chest hair go? Did they shave their armpits? I’m so distracted trying not to get caught ogling, that it takes a moment to process what Marcus was saying. Oh yeah. Should have known I would get in trouble for that one. I nod my head, not wanting to open my mouth, and get myself into more trouble. It’s then that I notice that all the men are bare downstairs. They look like little baby birds, bald. I almost giggle out loud. Yep, legs are hairless too. What the hell?

“Yes, you saw the notice? Then you deliberately defied the rules. And what is it that you find so amusing?” I school my expression and shake my head. No way am I saying what I just thought. “I’ll set up waxing for you when we are finished here, then, since shaving seems to be too tedious for you. And, for your insubordination, the men will get full waxes as well.” Ah, shit. I hate waxing. Bradeis gonna kick my ass. I still say nothing, and Marcus continues on after a parting glare directed my way. He gets one right back. Rex and Braeden both sigh audibly. Huh, guess they can find middle ground if it involves being annoyed at me.

Tags: Emma Cole Erotic