Page 9 of Make Me Tempt You

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I’ll be damned if I walk back in there. Fuck all of them.

I stalk off down the road. It’s dark and spooky but no scarier than what my supposed friends pulled.

I can handle dark and scary. As long as I don’t have to lose myself in Jeremiah’s eyes. I can’t do that. Not right now when my nerves feel raw and exposed, buzzing under my skin like caffeine shots.

Not when I’m so close to just giving in to him like I did that last night.

Chapter Four: Jeremiah


She’s running again. I sigh and sit down at the bar, eyeing the bartender when he drops a beer in front of me.

“Here. You look like you need this.”

I pick it up and take a sip, letting it relax me. “It’s gonna take more than this to fix what ails me.”

He throws his head back and laughs. “If you’re after Harvey, you better learn to roll with the punches. She’s a wild one.”

I nod my head. “I know.” I grin wickedly. “I like it though.”

He laughs. “Got it.” He spots one of his waitresses on the way up and grins. “Back to work. Have a good night. That was a great song by the way. You’re good. Maybe you should have been a singer.”

I sigh. I didn’t want to leave my home town. I love it here. I love the people. And when I think about it, it just makes my heart hurt. I thought it was just the familiarity of the place I grew up. But I don’t think so anymore.

When I left I wasn’t remembering the diner or the bar or any of the people that I met every single damn day. I was thinking about Harvey. Missing her. Wanting to talk to her. Laugh with her and watch those hypnotic green eyes when I took her.

And I hurt her. That’s the part that boggles my mind. I stayed away somehow and just made things so much worse. Like I could wipe away that last memory and take us back to being friends. Not bloody likely when I can still taste her honey on my tongue. Still hear her raspy moans in my ears.

“Hey, loverboy! Stop daydreaming and pay attention here! Harvey needs you.”

“What!” I sit up and my eyes pop open. “What’s wrong with Harvey?” I ask roughly, running my hand down my face.

“She left her purse and phone here and she didn’t drive so she just walked out in the middle of the night alone.”

“What! I thought she drove!”

Jamie shakes her head, her cool blue eyes worried. “Nope. I tried to stop her but she didn’t even seem like she heard me.”

“Shit!” I stand and toss a few bills on the bar. “Give me her things. I’ll go find her.” She hands me an old purse and a coat.

“Her phone is in her purse. There was nowhere in that dress for it.”

My breath catches when I picture Harvey’s curvy body in that green sequined dress. All those curves and those long, toned, tanned legs. Yeah. I swallow my tongue and cough to clear my throat.

“Umm. Yeah. Right. Let me just take that and I’ll ummm…just go find her.”

Rafe chuckles behind me and Jamie shoots him a dark look. “Focus. You need to make sure she’s alright.”

I stand and gather her things, my head whirling when I smell that signature scent that’s all her. Sweet and spicy with just a hint of motor oil. You just can’t get rid of it when you work with engines and such.

“I’ll find her.” I stomp off and slam my way out the door, grumbling. “Woman needs a keeper.” I want that job. I just need to convince her..

I throw her things on the bench seat of my old truck and start it, swearing under my breath. Why is she so damn stubborn?

I peel out of the parking lot, wincing when I throw a little gravel. I ease off the gas and settle back, but that itch between my shoulder blades won’t stop. My girl needs me. And I need to find her before I lose my fucking mind worrying.

Fifteen minutes later I spot her walking down a side road and do a u-turn, swearing when I see flashing lights in my rear-view mirror. I don’t want to stop.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance