Page 80 of My Ex-Stepbrother

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“So, you all asked for her and now I’ve got her! I’m here LIVE with none other than Lacy Kincaid, the girl who is making poetry sexy again. Lacy! Tell me, how did you discover you had a knack for writing verses?” Maisie turns from the camera to me, her eyes boring into me.

“I’ve always loved writing. Even when I was a kid, I would carry a notebook and a pencil around with me, and I’d always be scribbling in it. It came naturally. I started writing and I guess I just never stopped,” I say, reminding myself to lift my chin confidently and keep my shoulders back.Look the part, Lacy.

“Well, lucky for us that you kept at it! I’ve gotten a sneak peek at the book you have coming out, courtesy of your publisher, and I can say that your words rocked my SOUL, girl!” Maisie says enthusiastically.

“That’s so generous of you to say, thank you!” I reply genuinely. Maisie’s enthusiasm seems real, which is heart-warming. “You know, that’s the best thing any creator can hope for, that their work will positively impact someone emotionally,” I say. As I speak, I realize I’m echoing exactly what Ben told me when I was first freaking out about the world seeing my work. But I quickly push thoughts of Ben out of my mind.Not the time or the place, Lacy. This is YOUR interview,I remind myself.

“Oh, for sure! I can imagine that’s very gratifying. And I’m sure your work is going to impact a lot of people. That said, you broke onto the scene in a pretty unexpected way, with a surprise cameo in a live stream of Benjamin Colt’s, rock-and-roll sensation! Are you responsible for the change in Ben’s sound? Rumor has it that his new album has a more scaled-back, dare I say,romanticvibe?”

“Ben is an amazing songwriter who is evolving in his own right,” I reply, sticking to my scripted response, carefully prepared with the help of the publishing house’s PR team. “I’m always eager to collaborate with talented artists like him and support them on their journeys. But Ben deserves full credit for his new sound and the evolution he’s gone through.”

“Very cool, very cool. Do you think you’ll do more songwriting in future? Penning lyrics for other musicians, perhaps?”

“Right now, I want to focus on my poetry. And since my debut book is launching soon, I’ll have plenty to keep me busy. But let’s see! Never say never. I can see myself doing more songwriting in the future, sure. It’s always fun to try something different.”

“Love that for you!” Maisie replies enthusiastically. “And speaking of your book, here it is.” She holds up an advance copy of my book to the camera, smiling broadly as she speaks to the camera. “I really encourage all of you to pre-order this one! It’s going to change your soul, you all, I promise! Truly some beautiful verses to get lost in.”

“Thank you so much, Maisie. Your opinion means a lot, and I truly appreciate your words,” I say. The response was scripted but I mean every word. Maisie’s opinion can make or break an artist. Her words will undoubtedly sell books.

So far, so good. But I’m still steeling myself for one last question that I know is coming. I have my scripted response prepared but I’m still nervous about it.

“There’s just one last thing we all want to know, Lacy,” Maisie says slyly, turning back to me, “And that is,whois the famous #stalkergate verse about?”

I take a deep breath, plaster a huge smile on my face, and give my reply as confidently and breezily as I possibly can. “Well, Maisie, I think we all know how love can drive us crazy now and then. I admit, I may have been a bit love-lost when I wrote those words. As for the mystery of ‘stalker gate,’ I think I better leave that one a mystery, both for my own sake and for the sake of the person it’s about,” I reply coyly.

“Ha, fair enough! It’s a secret you’ll take to the grave then?”

“Maybe I’ll tell my future grandchildren when I’m on my deathbed,” I say with a giggle.

The director is frantically motioning to wrap up, and Maisie obligingly winds down the interview before bringing us to a commercial break. The second the cameras are no longer rolling, I sit back in my chair, exhausted from the brief conversation, but also ecstatic. My heart is pumping fast, adrenaline rushing through my body.

“You did fabulous!” Maisie says sweetly, giving me another handshake.

“Thank you so much. You made it easy.”

“That’s my job. Well, I have to get on to the next segment. But it was wonderful to speak with you, Lacy. I hope to see more of you in the future.”

“Thank you, Maisie. I certainly hope we cross paths again.”

And with that, I get up and make my way back to my dressing room.I did it,I think to myself gleefully as I walk back, feeling buoyant and light. A couple months ago, this would have been unfathomable. But now I did it, and I actually feel good about it. I even enjoyed myself. I shut the door of the dressing room and exhale, breathing out a long sign of contentment and relief.

I reach for my phone. My first instinct is to call Ben. He’s the one I want to share my success with. But then I remember how we left things. I remember that there is no Ben. And I pause. Who to call instead? After a moment’s hesitation, I decide to try my sister Lillian. It’s early in the day, so it won’t be too late in Europe. She should still be up.

“Lacy, oh my god, Ijustwatched your livestream with Maisie!” She picks up the call immediately. “You did great!”

“Oh wow, thanks, sis! I didn’t think you’d be able to catch it over in Europe.”

“Um, you have heard of a VPN, right?” She says with a giggle. “Anyway, that’s not an issue because I’m not in Europe! I’m back in town, stateside!”

“Wait, what?” I say, almost dropping the phone in my shock. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was a last-minute trip. I came to check out a hotel I might be flipping.”

“Oh wow, cool,” I reply, thinking how Lillian’s life always seems so glamorous compared to mine.

“Anyway, do you want to grab a drink tonight to celebrate your success and catch up?”

“Yes!” I say eagerly, suddenly realizing just how badly I want to see a familiar face that isn’t Ben’s. Lillian is exactly the person I need to talk to right now.

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance