Page 78 of My Ex-Stepbrother

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“So? Yeah, I had to do some business. Yes, I could have been more attentive to you at the start. We hashed it out at the club. I fixed it. You had fun that night. Or so I thought. Why are you throwing this back in my face now?”

Lacy stares at me through her glasses, her eyes round in disbelief. She’s biting her lip in anger, which would normally make me horny. But right now, I’m so worked up and angry, her little lip nibbles are irritating me. Lacy is a force to be reckoned with when she wants to be. But she still falls back on this awkward persona, just like she did at the club, when she let people think she was my personal assistant. I don’t get it.

Part of me is seething with anger, but part of me also feels terrible. Lacy’s eyes are wet with tears she’s clearly holding back, and her cheeks are flushed a bright red. Her chest is heaving under her t-shirt, as if she’s trying to keep it together with some deep breaths. Judging from the wetness in her eyes, it doesn’t seem to be working.

What is happening here?

“Lace, what’s going on?” I ask more gently, trying to keep the rage out of my voice.

“What’s going on? How do you think it felt—” she pauses, taking a deep gulp of air before going on, “How do you think it felt to be pushed away like that, outside of the club. All I wanted to do was to give you a kiss. And you shoved me away like I was a sack of garbage someone forgot to take out. Trash. It felt terrible.”

I stare at Lacy, shocked.

She knows the drill. I also can’t help making note of the words she just said, “You shoved me away like I was a sack of garbage someone forgot to take out.”Great song lyrics,I think to myself, feeling the spark of creativity that’s been lying dormant in my brain reawakening. I also feel myself start to calm down.

So, was this all about that kiss that I cut off?

“Lace, you know the drill. Of course, I don’t think of you as garbage or trash. Of course, I want to kiss you. It’s just after that whole incest scandal, I wanted to keep our situation on the down low. So getting caught kissing by the paparazzi was really the last thing I needed,” I say with a sigh. “Eitherof us needed,” I add. “I’m not sure the ‘incest’ story will be good for your career either,” I can’t help adding.

“I guess not,” she murmurs, looking abashed. “It just felt terrible,” she says again, sniffling slightly. “And now I’m supposed to go to this interview, and I’m scared they’re going to ask me about us. I don’t even know what to say. Usually, I have all the right words but now whenever I open my mouth, all that comes out is air.”

I stare at her, my brain churning at her last words.

“Lace, that’s an amazing line,” I say excitedly. “Usually I have all the right words but now whenever I open my mouth, all that comes out is air?Genius!”

“I’m just trying to tell you how I feel, Ben.”

“And I’m telling you we’ve got to sit down together and do some writing right now!” I go on eagerly. “Come on, Lace, this is the most honest and raw we’ve been with each other in days. We’ve got to leverage this moment, tap into this emotion.”

She stares at me, befuddled.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She finally asks. “I just told you that I have to go to this interview. I told you that I’m scared. Your original plan was to come with me to the interview, to support me. And now you want to stay back here and write songs?”

“Look, I’ll still come with you!” I say, too excited to note the anger in her voice. “We’ll just bang out a quick song and then head off together.”

“No, Ben. I can’t be late. Remember? The very first lesson you and James gave me.Don’t be late or people will think you’re ‘difficult’ or a ‘diva.”

“We’ll make it on time,” I say, even though I have no idea when Lacy’s interview actually is. Knowing her, she’s planned twice as much time as needed to get there.

“I need to leave now,” Lacy says firmly. “We can write after.”

“Well, I’ve got to write now,” I say stubbornly, feeling irritated again. “We can’t let this moment of inspiration get away.”

“Fine. Then I’m going without you.”

She starts getting together her bags and bustling for the door.

Is she serious?

Okay, fine. I can write later. I told her that I’d be there for her, so I’m going to be there for her.

“Okay, okay. I’ll come with you. We can write later.”

“Fine,” she huffs. But I can see a wave of relief wash over her face.

“Just one thing, Lace,” I say, as she starts striding for the door.

“What?” She looks back at me briefly.

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance