Page 75 of My Ex-Stepbrother

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“I’ve got a little notebook of verses. I’m always adding stuff. Maybe one day I’ll publish a book.”

“Lacy’s first book is about to launch,” Ben says excitedly, beaming with pride. “She’s going to be a real literary star!”

I shoot him a gratified look.

“Woah, woah, a talented published poet and beautiful too?” Hurricane gives me a big smile. “Ben, how did you manage to convince her to date the likes ofyou?” He adds with a big laugh, clapping Ben jovially on the back.

“Oh, we’re not, uh…” Ben’s voice trails off uncertainly as he looks from Hurricane to me.

“Oh wait a minute, man, is thisthegirl? I heard about the scandal with your sister,” Hurricane goes on, sensing the uncertainty between me and Ben.

I feel my cheeks flush, but keep silent as I take another sip of my vodka soda. If Ben wants to put on a charade for these people, I’m going to let him lead.

Hurricane looks expectantly from Ben to me and back to Ben again.

“Ah you know how the tabloids are, man,” Ben finally speaks up, giving a casual shrug.

“Yeah, sure,” Hurricane gives a nod. But I can see the doubt written all over his face. He gives me a curious last look before saying goodbye and walking away from us.

I can tell that Ben is thrown by the encounter. His eyes are dark and brooding, and there’s obvious tension in his jaw.

“How about we get out of here?” He asks, leaning down so I can hear him.

“Sure,” I say with a nod. Although I’ve been having a bit of a better time, I’m still happy to leave. I don’t want to deal with any more encounters of people asking about our relationship. I also don’t want to cringe as I watch Ben scrambling to come up with answers about it. It doesn’t exactly make a girl feel great about herself.

Ben leads the way through the crowd, confidently creating a path for me to follow as we walk through the mass of people. As we step outside into the cool night air, I give a sigh of relief. My ears are still ringing from the noise inside and there’s a sheen of sweat on my body from the heat inside. I’m glad to be outside, away from the hot lights, many people, loud music, and general mayhem. In front of the club, a throng of people are waiting to get in, eager with anticipation. Ben was right about one thing. This is definitely an LA hotspot. I notice a few familiar faces in the line to get in, not because they’re people I know personally but because I’ve seen them photographed in magazines or on my TV. Out of the corner of my eye, I see some paparazzi photographing them.

I turn to Ben, who likewise looks relieved to have gotten out of the crowd. The tension in his jaw has dissipated, and he’s wiping sweat from his brow, inhaling the cool night air deeply into his lungs.

“What a night,” he says finally turning to me, a small smile on his face. “I’ll get us an Uber,” he adds, grabbing his phone.

“Yup. Just as wild as you said it would be.”

“Itdidget a little bit crazy at the end,” he says with a wry smile. “All that dancing has me sweating like a pig.”

“Well,yousaid it, not me,” I reply teasingly.

“Hey!” He jabs me with his elbow but gives a small chuckle. Here, in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of other people, it’s easy to be lighthearted again. I’m glad to see Ben joking with me.

“Thanks for getting us out of there when you did,” I say appreciatively. “It was fun, but definitely getting a little overwhelming.”

I start to get on my tiptoes, wanting to give Ben a kiss, but suddenly hear a shout.

“Hey! Hey! Benjamin Colt! Is that you, Ben?”

Ben shoves me roughly away as a swarm of paparazzi comes toward us, cameras clicking.

“Ben, Ben, is it true that you fucked your sister?”

“Wait, is that her?”

“She’s hot!”

“Is she your biological sister or your stepsister?”

They inundate us with questions as they flash photos. But I barely notice. All I can think of is how Ben pushed me away from him just now, physically rebuffing my kiss. It stings. But Ben doesn’t seem to notice. He’s intent on getting us away from the photographers.

“Our Uber!” Ben exclaims as he grabs my arm and steers me toward a car that’s just pulled up. Quickly, he throws open the back door, practically shoves me inside, and then clambers in after me. The paparazzi are still screaming and flashing their cameras as we shut the door and sink back into the seat, breathing heavily.

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance