Page 42 of My Ex-Stepbrother

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Fix the front porch step: 09:00am to 10:30am

Break: 10:30am to 10:45am

It’s been like living with a drill sergeant, to be honest. When I proposed some casual cleaning and songwriting together today, she brushed me off, saying she had to focus 100% on cleaning and didn’t have time. She had that super serious look on her face she gets when she’s stressed, so I knew better than to argue, and retreated to the safety of the recording studio in the Rose Manor basement.

But I’ve been down here for hours without making any headway. Finally, I give up and decide to do a little impromptu livestream for my fans. It’s one of my favorite ways to interact with them—intimate and personal, but at a distance. Although I’ve been hiding from the media for these last months, I’ve done a few livestreams for the fans, mostly at my manager James’s urging,“We don’t want the public forgetting about you and moving on to the next big thing.”His words, but he’s got a point. My fans are what keep my career as a musician going—what makes it possible in the first place—so I’ve got to deliver.

I switch on the webcam, start the livestream, and strum casually on my guitar while I wait for people to join. Once I’ve got a few thousand people watching, I turn my attention to the camera, speaking to it like I’m talking to a friend. It’s a demeanor I’ve perfected with hours of media training.

“Hey guys, thanks for tuning in!”

The replies in the chat sidebar start rolling in immediately:

Looking good, Ben!

Yay, livestream!

Will you play us some music?

I address the camera, replying to the comments, “Yea, I’m def gonna play you some tunes today! But first, I thought we could do a little AMA. Ask me anything!”

I peer at the screen’s chat sidebar to view the questions popping up, deciding on the fly which ones to answer.

Ben, when is the next album dropping, man?

Is it true that you helped Blake write the song that got him Jen Gibson back?

You’re the best! Number one fan here!!!!

Will you go on tour again soon?!Are you dating anyone?

I love you!!!!!!!

I chuckle as I read the lineup.

“Okay, okay, guys, hang on. The question about the album. Yes, I’m working on another album. It should be wrapped up soon. Once it drops, I’m guessing we’ll schedule another tour.”

Where ARE you?

Yeah, there haven’t been any pictures of you on the blogs for months!

“I’m just taking a little breather, a little me time,” I say in response to the last couple comments. “All so I can create the best album possible for you all,” I add with a wink to the camera.

You’re the man, Ben!

Yeah, we can’t wait to hear it!

You’re number one!

“Thanks for your support, guys! YOU guys are the real number one,” I reply to the camera. “I really appreciate your support while I take some time to get this next album out. So, as a little thanks, I thought I’d play you a new song on today’s live stream.”




I grin at the camera as I start strumming and humming, preparing to launch into one of the songs I’ve written with Lacy’s help over these past few weeks. I open my mouth to start singing, but before I can get a word out, the door to the studio bursts open and Lacy runs in, breathless and red-faced.

Tags: Annabelle Love Romance