Page 52 of Saving Gavin

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Chapter 22


It'sbeenafew days since the blowup with my mom, and today is the day of Gavin’s surgery. Things are a bit tense between my mom and us, but I know she has Graham's best interests at heart. So, for now, we’ve put aside our differences for him. No need to make this any more stressful for Graham as he already has an idea of what's going on.

My mom just got here, and it's super early in the morning. Graham is barely awake, but Gavin wanted to make sure to say goodbye before we left. Gavin crawled into bed with Graham and held him for a few minutes before waking him up. I let them have their space while my mom waited in the living room.

I've since talked to my dad, who told me the same story as my mom. He apologized, saying they would've done things differently if they’d known I was pregnant. I'm disappointed in them. It shouldn't matter if I were pregnant. What I wanted should have mattered the most.

I'm going to need clear boundaries with them in the future because they didn't learn their lesson and tried to control things with Graham. What’s worse is I let them until Gavin stepped into the picture.

I head to Graham’s bedroom door to tell Gavin we should get going,pausing when I hear their conversation.

"What if the surgery doesn't work?" Graham asks sleepily.

"Then nothing changes. But it's better to have tried than to wonder what I'm missing out on if I don’t have the surgery. Do you remember when I said I won’t have my full eyesight back even if it works? I'll be able to see basic things up close, but I'll never be able to do stuff like drive a car."

"I know. You're going to be in the hospital for a few days. Grandma told me when Mom says it's okay, I can visit. She said you're going to have bandages all over your eyes."

"That's right. Your grandma will bring you in to see me as soon as they allow me to have visitors. Now go back to sleep and be good for your grandma. We’ve got to get going, but never forget I love you, buddy." Gavin leans in and gives Graham a tight hug.

"I love you too, Dad."

By the time Gavin stands up to make his way to the door, I have tears in my eyes.

On the way to the hospital, my nerves hit full force, and Gavin grips my hand for dear life. Once at the hospital, it's a rush of activity getting him into a room and hooked up to the machines. Then it’s all the questions and forms and getting busy with everything that has to be done pre-surgery.

No less than five different nurses are in and out, and a couple of doctors also come in to see him. They prep him for surgery, and seeing him in a hospital gown makes me even more nervous.

"Come here and let me hold you," he says, patting the bed.

He scoots over, and I lie beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Make sure you call Lexi. I promised Noah we’d keep them in the loop and give them updates," Gavin tells me again.

“Lexi made me promise to call and let them know when you’re out of surgery."

We stay there snuggled up. The nurses don't ask us to move as they come in and continue to check Gavin’s vitals or whatever else they're checking on before the surgery.

This is how it should’ve been when he was set on joining the military. I would’ve been there for him after he was injured. It breaks my heart that he had to fight alone. I make myself a promise that as long as I have breath in my lungs, he’ll never have to fight alone again.

Eventually, they come to take him for surgery, and I have to get off the bed. Gavin doesn't say anything, pulling me down for a kiss that says more than words ever could.

Our kisses and “I love you’s” and “I’ll see you soon” have the same desperate quality as the last time he kissed me before he went to boot camp.

Before he pulls away, I rest my forehead against his. "I love you so much, and I’ll be waiting for you when you wake up. Promise me you'll come back to me."

Baby, nothing could keep me away from you. Leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life. I’m not going anywhere."

As they’re preparing to wheel him back, he pulls me in for another soft kiss.

Standing there, I watch him until I can no longer see him. One of the nurses shows me to the family waiting room and gives me a number that will show up on the screen, updating me on the progress of his surgery. After taking my seat, I find another woman in the waiting room who I assume is waiting on her husband.

Her eyes are red-rimmed, and she offers me a small smile, but we don't talk. It’s still early, so I text Lexi to let them know Gavin’s been taken back. She video calls me right back, and I see their little boy asleep on her chest, looking so darn peaceful.

Thankfully, she takes pity on me, and we talk for a good half hour about what's going on at Oakside. When I get off the phone, I realize it should be late enough to call and talk to Graham.

He's finishing breakfast and goes on and on about all the plans he and my mom have made for the day. They promised to send me a ton of pictures, and I promise to call them soon as Gavin is out of surgery.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance