Page 47 of Saving Gavin

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Chapter 20


Istareatthe clock on my nightstand and watch as the digits turn over to 5:00 a.m. I haven't slept much because I've been having contractions all night. They woke me up at about two a.m., and I thought they were Braxton Hicks again, paired with being in an uncomfortable position. So I got a few more pillows, shifted around, and tried to go back to sleep.

But they got progressively worse, and I've been timing them. It’s time to go to the hospital and get checked out, but I've been trying to let Noah get as much sleep as possible. He's taken on so much at Oakside these last few days, but I know I can't wait any longer to wake him up.

I look over at him, fast asleep beside me, the scarred side of his face fully visible. He's still a bit sensitive about it and tries to put his “good side” forward, as he calls it. But me? I love this scarred side of his face because they’re part of him. I love his scars and I have them memorized. Between the contractions, I reach out and trace them, which finally causes him to stir.

He opens his eyes and stares right at me but doesn't say a word. This link between us has always been strong, and it's only gotten stronger over the years.

He leans in and gives me a soft kiss, but as he pulls back, another contraction hits, only this one is stronger.

"Angel, what's wrong?" he asks when he sees I’m in pain.

"It’s time to head into the hospital. I've been having contractions all night."

He’s out of bed and getting dressed. "Why didn't you wake me, Angel? I would’ve been right there helping you out."

“There wasn't much you could do. I was timing the contractions to see if they slowed down, but they haven’t."

Noah pulls out his phone and calls my doctorbefore helping me get dressed. Our bags have been packed for a few weeks, so he grabs them and helps me down to the car. Thankfully, I’m seated when the next contraction hits. Once it passes, I call Paisley as they're going to be stepping in for us with the help of Mandy, her husband, Levi, and Lauren.

"Yeah?" Easton answers.

Easton has come out of his shell since his time in Oakside. He was a prisoner of war for a year before he was rescued, but he's still a man of few words. He’s fiercely protective of Paisley, though, especially when someone calls at five in the morning.

"Easton, it's Lexi. I'm in labor and on the way to the hospital, but wanted to give you guys a heads up."

"Be safe. We’ve got things covered at Oakside. Don’t worry about us. But don’t forget to give updates to Paisley as she'll be worried."

"We’ll send updates as we have them. Thank you both for doing this." Before I can call Mandy, I go through another contraction. Though I'm pretty sure Paisley will call her as well.

Mandy works for us and deals with our books and stuff on the back end with budgets and coordinates all the charity work. Her husband, Levi, was also a patient at Oakside, and they went to school together. He dated her best friend when they were in school, so they had many hurdles to overcome, but once they did, they wasted no time starting a life together. Theirs was a simple wedding on the beach at sunset down on Tybee Island.

"Hello?” Mandy answers, and I can tell I’ve woken her.

"Hey, it's Lexi. I'm on the way to the hospital. Been having contractions all night and wanted to let you know. I've already called Paisley." I rush all this out because I feel another contraction coming. I’m unable to hear a word she says, so Noah takes the phone. They talk for a minute before he hangs up.

"Angel, just breathe. We're almost there." He’s trying to keep his voice soft, but I can hear his nerves. After all, this is the first time our situations will be reversed.

When we first met, he was in the hospital healing from burns on the entire right side of his body, which he got saving my brother. I never left his bedside, but it was always him in the hospital. This time it'll be me, and I don't think he likes that thought very much. I know he'd much rather be the one in the hospital and in pain instead of me. And I can't fault him as I'd much rather he be the one giving birth right now, too.

"I’m okay. I have to call Lauren, and then you can have my phone, and this will be all I focus on, I promise." He hands me back my phone. I'm sure he'd rather make the calls, but he knows I want to do it.

"Your brother and Becky are on their way, too. What about your parents?”

“I'll call my parents once we get there."

After that, I don't see him make any phone calls, but I’m sure he has.

My brother married my best friend, Becky, and they recently had a kid. I begged her to be in the room and help coach me through it, and she agreed. But I know my brother isn’t going to leave her side until he absolutely has to, which will probably be about the time I kick him out.

"Hello?" a groggy voice greets me.

"Lauren, it's Lexi. I’m on the way to the hospital as I'm in labor. Paisley and Mandy will meet you at Oakside, and we’ll call you with an update later."

"Send pictures." is all she says before we hang up.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance