Page 28 of Saving Gavin

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Chapter 13


I'mnotsurewhat fills me with more dread on the plane journey to see my parents—leaving Gavin for the weekend or having to tell my parents Gavin is back.

My parents picked up the pieces after Gavin left. Without their support, I wouldn’t have gotten through my pregnancy and school. I know they won't be happy he's back, but we have to consider Graham, who deserves to have his dad in the picture.

The last two weeks have been good with Gavin. I'm seeing more of the man he used to be, the Gavin I knew years ago. He's been keeping up with his daily walks with Lexi, and she's been hinting that he wants more time with me—more than I can give right now.

Graham needs to get to know his dad, but I don't want him devastated if things don't work out again between Gavin and me. Another big hesitation is having to tell my parents and knowing they won't approve. I’ll be tackling that issue this weekend.

I made myself promise I’d figure things out this weekend. It’s like Gavin and I are dating with all the outings and talking every night when I'm home and Graham is in bed.

Does Gavin think we're dating? I've tried to keep things professional, but the more I think about dating him, the more I want to take that step. I need to clear the air, not only with my parents but also with Gavin. I hope he’ll forgive me when he learns about Graham and not run in the other direction.

Having talked things over with Faith, I’ve decided to tell Gavin about Graham first and see how he reacts. There's no point in getting Graham's hopes up if Gavin doesn't want to be a part of his life. As much as that would break my heart, protecting my son is my priority.

Graham is fast asleep in the seat next to me. Since he was a little kid, any type of transportation, whether a bus, car, or plane, cause him to fall asleep. It makes traveling with him so much easier now my parents are in Arizona.

The pilot’s voice crackles over the intercom, telling us we’re starting our descent and asking everyone to fasten their seatbelts. I double-check Graham’s seatbelt and rest my head on the back of my seat.

Gavin and I have been talking and texting constantly. He's been working with Paisley and Gem, learning everything he needs to know. Having Gem by his side helps with his confidence, which bleeds into his everyday life.

I'm struggling to decide the best time to tell him about Graham. I guess it's like my situation—it wasn’t the best time to fall pregnant, and there's no best time for Gavin to find out he's a father.

Slowly, I wake Graham and get ready to leave. Once we deplane, I text my dad. The plan is to surprise my mother, so he’s meeting us at the airport. She doesn’t know about our visit, and he told her he was running to the hardware store while she was grocery shopping.

Graham’s had the hardest time keeping it a secret from her.

"Remember, we’ll only see Grandpa at the gate because Grandma doesn't know we’re coming," I remind him.

"I know, Mom. We’ve gone over this so many times."

I should say something about Graham rolling his eyes at me, but I let it go. There's no point in him being in a bad mood right now.

As soon as Graham spots my dad waiting for us at the gate, he runs up to him and gives him a big hug. Seeing their bond makes me happy. My dad gives me a hug, and we head out to the car. Graham forgets I'm there and talks to my dad the whole way, which gives me time to text Gavin.

Me: Made it and on the way to my parent’s house now.

Gavin: I miss you already, but I hope you have a good time with them.

Me: What are your plans for today?

Gavin: I'm taking Gem out back, and Paisley and Easton will have dinner with me while we let the dogs play and run around.

Me: Sounds like fun! I'll call you tonight and tell you all about it. Might be a bit late with the time change.

Gavin: Call any time. I don't care when.

As planned, Mom is already back when we get home, so Dad goes in first.

"Didn't have what I needed at the hardware store, so I made a slight detour," he tells Mom.

"What do you mean you made a slight detour? The last time you said that, you brought home a boat. What did you do this time?" My mom sounds annoyed.

Graham smiles up at me, and I nod and send him in.

"Grandma!" Graham goes running into the kitchen, surprising my mom.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance