Page 8 of Baby Daddies

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I can’t help but immediately melt at the sight of the sleepy little girl. Her cheeks are at the perfect level of squishable, rosy roundness, and a thick fan of dark, fluffy lashes draws attention to her big brown eyes. “I take it this is Miss Brianna?” I ask.

Dustin nods, and I look at him questioningly before approaching. “May I?”

Elaine hesitates a little. “She was just napping in the car, she’ll probably be cranky,” she warns, “Especially with a stranger.”

“Let her try, Lainey,” Dustin says.

I glance over and see that he’s watching intently, and I feel a flush wash over me for a moment. I know he’s taken, and his equally gorgeous…husband? Boyfriend? I don’t think I found out for sure, but his partner is sitting right next to him. But even so, the intensity of his stare sends tingles over my skin.

I quickly look away, shaking those thoughts from my head, and kneel down to toddler eye level. “Hi, Brianna,” I greet her cheerfully, but quietly and calmly.

The little girl assesses me suspiciously, those big brown eyes guarded and her whole tiny body slightly stiff. She turns to look to Rudy and Dustin, the latter of whom flashes her an encouraging smile. She relaxes a little bit and turns back to me.

“I’m Ava,” I tell her, “I’m a new friend of your daddies.”

“Hi, Ava,” she says, wiggling her fingers in a shy little wave.

“I like your shoes,” I tell her, “I can never find cool ones like that in my size!”

A small smile spreads over her face and I decide to play up the silliness and see if I can get a genuine laugh out of her. I shift my weight so that I can place my foot near hers, pulling off my shoe so I can wiggle my toes. “What do you think, would they fit me?” I ask.

Her tiny sandal, an explosion of neon rainbows trimmed in hot pink, might possibly fit my big toe, but the idea of me squeezing my giant foot into her shoe has the desired effect: Brianna bursts into a peal of giggles. “No!” she squeals with delight.

“No? You don’t think so? Are you suuuure?” I teased, wiggling my foot closer to hers as if I’m trying to convince her that our feet are the same size.

She giggles even more. Dustin strides over and scoops her up, tickling her tummy to keep the giggles going for a moment before letting her catch her breath. “What do you think, Princess, you like Daddy and Papa’s new friend? You think maybe you could be her friend, too?” he asks her.

Brianna looks over, assessing me as I rise to my feet, and slowly she nods. “Good. You know how Miss Nina usually watches you when we have to go to work?”

Nod. “And you know how we told you last night that Miss Nina can’t watch you anymore?”

Another nod. “Well, how would you like it if Ava watched you while we have to go to work now?” he asks her.

I glance at him, my heart pounding with excitement. Is he really offering me the job? Although I suppose that’s contingent on Brianna’s approval. He can hardly take me on if she declares that she hates my guts or something.

I get another long, judgmental look. Gaining the acceptance of this shy toddler seems to be a more challenging task than winning over her dads, but when she nods once more and flashes me a cautious smile, my heart feels like it’s bursting into bloom.

Chapter Four


Even after the interview, seeing Ava with Brie, and the long talk we’d had afterwards where we’d officially offered her the position, (and a generous enough salary that she’d promised to put in her notice at the restaurant at her next scheduled shift), I was nervous about leaving my daughter alone with someone new.

Even the pretty, nerdy, redheaded babysitter with the amazing resume.

But, as if sensing this, Ava had been checking in via group text with Rudy and me every hour on the hour, including a downright magical picture of Brie playing with a ladybug in our backyard with one of the last updates.

Rudy had texted me outside of the chat after that one.

R: Ok, I think I love her. Did we actually find a real-life Mary Poppins?

So by the time I’m ready to leave the office, my nerves are pretty much gone, and I’m just excited to get home and see my family.

The drive home is a quick one; I’m fortunate enough to be able to avoid the rush hour snarl on the freeway. My job is only about nine minutes away from home via surface streets. I pull my car into the garage and use the garage door to head into the house.

I don’t see anyone immediately, but I can hear muffled voices from down the hall. I follow the sound to Brie’s room, and find Ava sitting on the floor with my little girl playing with this little animal treehouse playset of hers. Apparently Ava has been assigned the raccoon doll, while Brie plays as the panda with the pink bow.

Ava glances up when she hears me enter. “Look, Brianna, Daddy’s home!” she says excitedly.

Tags: Roxanne Riley Erotic