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“I’m so turned on right now,” Bray mutters. Asher is smiling widely, and Cyrus just watches me, his eyes dark but his lips twitching.

“When aren’t you?” I snort. “A leaf blows and it gives you a hard-on.” The crowd laughs, and I turn to Faye, holding her shoulders. “Are you okay?” I ask sincerely. There’s so much I want to say, but I hold my tongue as she nods.

“Faye,” I prompt.

“I’m fine, I promise. He didn’t touch me too much, not enough to hurt,” she tells me softly.

“Blair, we’re just going to have a word with him outside.” Bray smirks at the man, and when I nod, they drag the struggling guy outside. I look back at Faye and smile. “Are you okay for a minute? I just need to make sure they don’t kill him.”

“Sure, go,” she replies, stepping back and wrapping her arms around herself. I narrow my eyes and point in her face.

“Don’t move. Once I’m sure there is no bloodshed, I’ll be back. I promise.” With that, I hurry outside, anxious to return to her after seeing the lost look in her eyes. The back garden is teeming with people, and the party is in full swing now that the show is over. I even see one couple fucking in the grass. Others kiss and touch, while some just drink or smoke, but I don’t see the guys. I look left and right and finally spot a side gate. Hopping down onto the grass, I hit the path and follow it around to the gate.

When I round the house, I see them. They have the guy dangling from Cyrus’s grasp as Bray and Asher stand before him. His lip is busted and bleeding, and his face is pale.

“Now, let’s talk about consent, shall we? When a girl says no, it means no. It doesn’t mean corner her,” Bray snarls, slamming his fist into his stomach, making the guy grunt and sag. “It doesn’t mean carry on and keep pushing and make her feel like she has no choice,” he growls, punching him again in the same spot.

The guy screams, and I’m pretty sure Bray busted a rib.

“It doesn’t mean you can force yourself on her. Too many fucking girls are terrified of guys because of you. They’re scared to come and have fun and relax because of fucking idiots who don’t understand that they can’t fucking touch what isn’t theirs,” Asher adds, slamming his foot against the guy’s knee. He screams as Cyrus releases him and falls to the ground, his leg bent in an odd angle.

I should stop them, but fuck if this isn’t hot. They aren’t doing this for an audience, for their reputation, or even for me. They are teaching this asshole a lesson, one I’m sure he won’t forget, and the fact that they are angry over consent and him cornering Faye seriously has me turned on in a fucked up way.

Cyrus shoves him forward and stomps on his back. “Consider this a warning. We have eyes and ears everywhere, so if you touch a girl again, you’re dead.”

Ducking my head, I hurry back inside, not wanting them to see me or, more accurately, for me to see more of them, because I would jump them, and right now, I need to talk to Faye. When I get inside, though, she’s not here. I frown, and some girl comes up to me.

“Blair? Faye told me to tell you she was going upstairs.”

“Thanks,” I tell her and move through the house, winding my way upstairs and down a corridor. I have no idea what room she’s in, but then I see her out on the balcony. Sighing, I step outside, the door partially shutting behind me, and find her leaning against the stone railing. I walk up to her and lean into it as well, staring at the otherwise quiet, gated neighbourhood.

“Is she right?” Faye whispers. “About me being weird?”

“So what if she fucking is?” I snap, but she flinches, so I soften my voice. “Never be ashamed to be different. You are who you are meant to be, and you are magnificent. This world would be a boring place if we were all the same. So embrace it, be who you are meant to be, who you want to be, you amazing weirdo, and don’t you ever let anyone make you feel like you’re less just because you don’t fit the mould. You inspire me, Faye. You are kind and caring. The world needs more people like you. You’re bold, unafraid, passionate, and kind. What they think are flaws are what makes you uniquely beautiful.”

Her eyes search mine, filling with tears. “You mean that?”

“Of course I do. There are billions of people in this world, but there is only one you. Never question yourself again because of someone else’s opinion. She is nothing to you, a stranger, so why put value in her thoughts?”

“You’re right,” she whispers, smiling at me.

“I usually am,” I tease and then sigh. “Faye, I wanted to apologise. I took time to really think about what you said, and you’re right. I keep people out because I’m so afraid of getting hurt. If I never take a chance, there is no possibility of pain.” Licking my lips, I forge ahead, even as my mind screams at me and flickers of memories push forward. “I had a lot of shit happen in my past, bad shit, Faye. Really fucking bad shit. The type that keeps you up at night and changes you and your entire world. I never used to be like this, and I’m learning how to survive as the new me.”

“Blair,” she whispers, reaching for me. I look at her hand on mine, and for once, I’ll be strong and bare myself just a little.

“I’m so scared I’ll never be that girl again, never laugh openly like she used to or smile as much. The world was so fucking exciting and big, and now I see the shadows instead of the sun. Do you understand? I’ve seen true evil, and now I can’t unsee it. That scares me, and more than that, I’m scared that my past might never truly be my past. I’m scared that it will somehow come back and bite me, but not just me, everyone I care about. Being my friend, being loved by me, got people hurt, and I’m terrified it could happen again. I’ve… I’ve never told anyone about what happened to me. Not all of it, not even the police or therapists they prescribed. It’s not personal, Faye, and it doesn’t mean I don’t trust you. I do, more than anyone. It just means... I’m struggling, okay? It’s still so fresh. I have nightmares about what happened almost every night, and that’s when I can sleep. I often don’t because I’m scared of it, scared of the darkness, of the screams and pain.” I wipe my eyes as they start to burn and look away, unable to meet her sad gaze. My voice comes out hoarse, raw, and vulnerable. “I don’t want to lose you over my past. I’ve lost so much because of it already, but I’m not... I’m not ready to talk about what happened.”

“Okay,” she murmurs.

“Okay?” I repeat, looking at her.

She nods and wraps her arm around me. “Okay. All I need to know now is that you care for me, Blair, and I know you do. Especially after tonight. I was just emotional and scared I was losing you, and I didn’t know what to do. I’m your friend, and if you say you aren’t ready, I trust and respect that. I won’t force it out of you, I can see you’re trying to open up more, to trust, and that’s all I ever wanted. Even if you can’t ever talk about it, that’s okay. I don’t need to know your past to love you, Blair.”

“So you forgive me?”

“Nothing to forgive, babe. Do you forgive me?” she questions softly.

“Always.” I nod, leaning into her. “Now tell me everything. How have you been?”

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic