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“We missed you,” Asher tells me. “What happened?” His eyes go to Leigh, and he glares as if she’s upset me. I move in front of her, but she gets to her feet and rolls her eyes.

“Nothing, we were just talking. Catch you later, Blair.” She pushes past Cyrus with a muttered, “Asshole,” and I can’t help but laugh.

“See you later. I’ve got an ass to kick.” I look at Bray. “You don’t spy on me, you fucking psycho.”

“You were spying on her?” Asher reaches out and slaps the back of his head. Bray stumbles forward with an outraged cry.


“Hmm, that deserves a free shot for sure,” Cyrus comments, leaning against the bushes as he watches me. In his eyes, I see the question. He’s wondering if I was upset by anything Leigh said, so I shake my head, and he deflates a little in relief. He’s scared, but of his past or what she knows? The thing is, I’m not blind. I see Cyrus for what he is—a womanising user. He fucks and leaves. He’s harsh, crude, and fucking annoying, but he’s also very protective of his family, and under all that hate and pain… he’s sweet, I think. So nothing she could say would shock me because I see the real Cyrus. The one he hides, even from himself.

“Oh, hell no. Don’t listen to him, Darling.”

“Free shot?” I ask.

“It started when we were kids. If someone fucked up, instead of saying sorry, we got to take a free shot at them anywhere we wanted without repercussions. It was a way to end arguments and move on.” Asher shrugs.

“That’s crazy and such a man thing to do. I love it! I get a free shot because you were eavesdropping on a private conversation.”

Bray’s eyes widen. “I was just checking on you. You don’t want to hit me. Look how cute I am,” he begs, pouting, and I grin as I step closer.

“Oh, I definitely want to hit you.” I crack my knuckles and run my eyes over him. “Anywhere?” I ask the others without sparing them a glance.

“Yup,” Cyrus agrees, laughing at Bray who looks panicked before he deflates.

“Fine, hit me, Darling. Free shot,” he mutters sadly.

“Aww, Bray is sad,” I tease, setting him at ease as I stop before him.

Hooking my hand in his belt, I drag him closer. He groans, expecting something else, but while he’s distracted and trying to kiss me, I punch him right in the stomach and then bring my knee up into his junk. He falls back with a groan as those around us laugh.

Smirking, I prop my hands on my hips as I smile down at him. “Next time, mind your fucking business.” I turn and head back to the party, the sound of Asher’s and Cyrus’s roaring laughter following me inside.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic