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Chapter Twenty One


Igive up after an hour or so of having no luck finding Faye. She better be having the date or orgasm of her life. Sighing, I turn the car around, and with no other place to go, I head home.

Fuck, when did I start thinking of it like that? It’s not my home, it’s just a house. That’s all, a roof over my head. Annoyed at myself, I flick on the radio and crank up the pounding bass of late-night Friday music. Once the song finishes, a news alert comes on. I’m turning the corner, so I can’t change it, and I hear them announce that a body has been found in the boot of his own car, bound and gagged with his throat slit.

His clothes and wallet were taken.

Poor sod.

I turn it to a rock station and jam out all the way through the bustling streets of the city and into the suburbs. I don’t bother parking in the garage, instead I park out front to piss off Meredith when she gets back from Paris. Sliding from my car, I lock it and sing under my breath as I head up to the front door.

It’s unlocked. Panic surges through my veins as memories come flooding back, but I refuse to cower or run away. I shake them off and grip my keys harder, flipping open the small knife I keep on a key ring as I step inside.

It’s dark, there are no lights on. I don’t call out, though, because that’s dumb girl shit. Instead, I tilt my head and listen, staying near the open door. I hear the pop of a cork and then something being poured into a glass. I refuse to be run out of the house, so I throw back my shoulders and follow the sound to the kitchen.

I slump when I see Meredith there with a glass of red wine in hand. “Fucking hell, I thought you were in Paris. Did he get bored of you already?” I mutter. “I didn’t even smell the stench of the baby prostitute perfume you wear.” I shut the knife and turn to leave now that I know it’s only her.

“He had to come back for a meeting, the selfish prick,” she snarls. Oh, how selfish, putting his business over his new gold-digging fiancée. “Stop right there, you stupid whore,” she demands, and I freeze, spinning to glare at her as she puts her glass down and gets to her high-heeled feet. Her lips turn up as she looks me over, but I refuse to be embarrassed or intimidated. I stopped caring what my mother thinks of me a long time ago, so I pull the dress down farther until she growls in disgust.

“You look like a corner whore,” she sneers and strides over. “How can any daughter of mine come out looking like you? I’ll never know.”

“Me either. I’m so fucking glad I don’t look like your wrinkly, cardboard ass,” I retort, going toe-to-toe with her. “Too much filler and Botox, no ass or tits, and only relying on my pussy to get my way in life because I have no brains or talent. It must be fucking horrible. Tell me, has he worked out what you are yet?” Her eyes narrow in warning as I smirk. “No? He will soon enough. You aren’t exactly sly, Mother,” I taunt. “All that money you grab, the gifts, the cars, the trips… yet none of it can buy you any class. Before you know it, you’ll be back to sucking off married men for—”

The slap comes out of nowhere, turning my head from the force. Ignoring the sting in my cheek, I look back at her. “I warned you if you ever laid hands on me again, I would destroy you,” I seethe as she swallows nervously before playing it off.

“You’ll destroyme? Then I’ll destroy you, little girl,” she snaps.

“I have nothing else to lose.” I laugh manically, my arms spread. “I’m already in fucking hell, don’t you see that? So bring it. I’ve lost every single person I love... and yet you’re still here. You want to what? Tell everyone? Bare our dirty little secrets? Go ahead, you’ll only end up ruining your life too, and Meredith? I’m used to living with shame and judgement, but you? Not so much.”

I hear her teeth grinding as I snort and step back, working my cheek to feel the pain and maintain my anger so fear, shame, and memories don’t stream back in.

“That’s what I thought. You stay in your place, and I’ll stay in mine, and yours, Meredith, you poisonous bitch, is as far away from my life as you can get.” I turn, leaving her glaring after me as I storm through the house.

That’s when I see all three of my new stepbrothers standing in the open front doorway. Listening. Watching. Their eyes show their confusion as they track across me and back to the kitchen. I freeze, wondering if I said anything they might understand before I mentally sayfuck it. Asher frowns at my cheek, while Cyrus narrows his eyes and steps towards me at the sight.

“Are you okay?” Bray whispers.

“Don’t pretend to care,” I tell them almost tiredly before heading up the stairs, ignoring them. I just need to be alone so I can fight off my demons. It’s better that way.

I’m better that way. Alone, no one can ever hurt, betray, or ruin me. Meredith reminded me of that, of my plan. It might have gotten blurry with the friends I was making and... well, them, but I still have the same goals.

Save up and get the fuck out of this place.

That means keeping my distance from those three men who have wormed their annoying asses into my brain.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic