Page 165 of Stepbrothers' Darling

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“Want to bet?” he teases, swooping in for a kiss before stepping away. Hopping down, I move closer, stroking his bare chest before I lean in and kiss his pec, right over his heart, my red lipstick staining his skin.

“I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’ll be fine,” I insist, grabbing my bag and waving goodbye. This is the first time in over a week they have let me drive to work. Maybe they are finally getting the hint.

When I get there and see Jay, Prez, and four other bikers in the crowd, I know I was wrong. Groaning, I roll my eyes as I head to the back, running into Serina on the way.

“You know, you are good for business. All those bikers…”

“Don’t encourage them.” I point at her, making her laugh as she waves me on and heads out to introduce the next act.

Lexi and Allegra are working tonight, and when I step inside the dressing room, they rush over. “Girl, did you hear?” Allegra nudges Lexi who rolls her eyes. “Lexi here has bagged herself a daddy.”

“Kinky.” I wink. “Silver fox? It’s official?”

“Fuck, you spotted him?” She groans.

“Bitch, he watched you like a hawk. I thought he was either going to kill and eat you or, well, just eat you. Guess I know which,” I tease, and she smacks me as her cheeks redden.

“Next up, we have the singing angel, Lexi!”

“That’s me. Catch up next week?” she calls as she rushes to the stage.

“You’ve got it, good luck!” I yell after her as I drop my stuff at my dressing table and grab my first outfit.

“I guess we only have to get you hooked up now,” I tease Allegra as she helps lace up my corset.

She snorts. “Not a chance. I’m a loner for life, thank you very much. I practice walking marriage,” she replies, and it’s the same thing she’s said before.

“Uh-huh, only for one night, I hear ya. Me too... until I met them.” I wink as I grab my hat and wait to be called. “You never know, life has a funny way of messing with you.”

“Don’t hold your breath. Now go shake that sexy ass.” She spanks me as I laugh and head to the wings.

I wait for Lexi’s solo to fade, then the lights come down, and I run onstage as she moves to the side to sit on the piano and sing as I dance. Nerves fill me for some reason. I no longer have anything to fear, but as I stand in the dark, waiting, they consume me. My usual chant fills my head.

Red, blue, green…

No, it never worked anyway. Maybe it’s time for a change.

Cyrus, Asher, Bray.

Their names make me smile as I chant them internally, and my nerves disappear. My heart beats in time with my internal countdown, and just as the beat explodes and the lights come on, I jerk my head up, wearing a sultry smile.

I flow into the song, losing myself in it, and for the first time in forever, no pain follows me with my moves. No, this dance is happy and filled with excitement for the future, filled with love and laughter. The crowd cheers and screams as I get them on their feet and dance with them as I spin and twist. When it’s over, I stand in the middle of the stage, grinning with my arms held wide. My heart races as they applaud, and I know my future is bright.

I can’t fucking wait.

Tags: K.A Knight Erotic