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She wrinkled her nose. “I think your leather seat might be a giveaway. I hope there’s no damage.”

“I’m sure there isn’t. Well, at least not yet. We’re about to start our decent.”

Immediately, she tensed all over again. “No other options?”

He laughed. “Yes, but I figured jumping out of the helicopter would be a little worse.”

Nodding, she closed her eyes and said, “Let me know when we’re there.”

She felt a kiss on the top of her head and heard him whisper, “I’ve got you.”

Before she knew it, not only were they on the ground, but the limo had dropped them off at the emergency room entrance. She rushed in and gave the receptionist her father’s name then went to sit with Roger.

“They said I have to wait. There are too many people in the room already.”

“Would you like me to go and talk to them?”

She shook her head. “As long as he’s not alone, that’s all that matters.”

“No, it’s not. I’ll be right back.”

She watched as Roger walked up to the same receptionist she’d spoken to. The woman waved her hand, calling her over. Gia got up and went to stand by Roger.

“I called, and you can go in for a few minutes. But they are about to take him down for testing, so you can’t stay long.”

Gia nodded as the automatic doors opened to let her inside. She turned to Roger and said, “Thank you so much.”

He nodded and replied, “I’ll be right here, waiting for you.”

As she followed the nurse through the doors she thought: Share some of that strength. I think I’m going to need it.

Roger hated sitting there. It reminded him of when his partner had been fighting for his life, and there wasn’t a damn thing Roger could do to help. He’d sat in a waiting room much like this one. When the doctor came out and told him there was nothing they could do, Roger knew, he was done with the DEA.

It’d been a tough decision to leave it. Larry had tried everything to keep him. He’d been with them for ten years. Agents before had lost their lives. Yet for Roger, that moment had been his breaking point. For him, there was no going back. He knew if he did, he’d be a bigger liability than an asset.

Thankfully Caydan was looking for help. It might not have been in the same line of work, but it was enough to keep his mind distracted. But in the hospital, there was no escaping the flashbacks, threatening to return, and he needed to get out of there. He needed . . . air.

Stepping outside, he immediately felt better. He knew he couldn’t be outside for long. He wanted to be there when Gia returned, as promised. A guy leaned against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

“I hate being here,” the guy said.

“Won’t argue about that.”

“Guess it’s better waiting than being the patient. But if you asked my mother, she might tell you something different.” He pulled out a pack and asked, “You want one?”

Roger shook his head. “I don’t smoke.”

The guy took a long drag, dropped it to the ground, crushed it out, and went back inside. Roger was glad the guy wasn’t in the mood for chatting. The only thing on his mind right now was Gia. It had taken some persuasion to get them to allow Gia in. No way in hell would they have allowed in a non-family member.

He was about to go back inside when his phone rang. One look and he knew he didn’t want to take the call. What he had to say really should be said in person. But if he blew Brice off, he would just call back.

“Not a good time, Brice. Can I call you back?”

“Are you still in New York?” Brice asked.

“No. Why?”

“Is Gia with you?”

Tags: Jeannette Winters Billionaire Romance