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Chapter 1


Ofcourse,mybrother decided to get married on the other side of the country. His soon-to-be wife wants a Napa Valley wedding. I can't blame them because what she is planning looks beautiful.

Plus, this is the perfect opportunity to cross off one of my bucket lists items. Road tripping down Route 66! I live in Chicago, which is the start of Route 66, and my brother's wedding is a few hours north of the end of Route 66.

While Napa Valley is six and half hours north of the end of Route 66, according to my map app, it's still the perfect chance to make the drive. I have plenty of vacation time saved up at work and have it planned just right to take me two weeks to get out there.

That still gives me enough time to help with any pre-wedding stuff and fly home after the wedding while still having a few days to settle in before going back to work. My parents are already out there spending time with their soon-to-be daughter-in-law and her family, so with everything to be done, it will also keep my brother busy until then.

I'm feeling really good about this trip until my brother calls.

"So, you are really going through with this two-week road trip?" Nate asks.

"Yes, I told you I am. My time off from work has been approved, and everything’s set."

"Well, I don't want you making this trip alone."

"I’ll be fine. Besides, don't you think it's a little late to find someone to go with me?"

I'm supposed to be leaving in a few days, and there is no way I'm changing my plans now.

"That's why Weston is going with you," he says

"What? Are you serious? I'm sure he has better things to do than babysit me," I groan.

Weston is my brother's best friend. They met on the first day of kindergarten and have been friends ever since.

Growing up, I had such a crush on Weston, but he's always been off-limits, older brother's best friend and all that. Though I haven't seen much of him in the last few years since I went away to school and moved into the city.

"He works from home, and he agreed you shouldn't be making that drive alone. It's already a done deal. He’ll pick you up Monday morning."

"I wanted to do this by myself!"

"And I want you to be safe. Traveling across the county alone isn't safe. You know that as well as I do. He promised to abide by whatever road trip rules you set."

"Fine, Nate. But if he ruins this for me, you’re paying for a do over."

My brother made this app that helps with grocery shopping, sales, and coupons. I don't know the details, but I do know he sold it to a major grocery store chain for millions of dollars and doesn't have to work a day in his life now. But he’s also working on another app now, and I doubt he will stop working. He loves creating things.

"Deal. But he isn't going to ruin this for you. Just be nice to him, okay? He's doing this as a favor to me."

"Yeah, sure ‘cause every girl dreams of being a charity case," I grumble.

He spends the next half hour talking wedding stuff with me as I finish packing and sorting out my stuff.

When I get off the phone with Nate, I call my best friend Kinsley and tell her what Nate pulled. She knows how I felt about Weston all those years ago and how I still crush on him when I see him at family functions.

The last time I was over at her place, we had too much wine and stalked his social media going back a few years. He doesn't seem to have had a girlfriend in a while, or he was good at deleting everything once they broke up.

"Just think, you’ll have someone to carry your bags, and he can drive while you get to enjoy the scenery. Plus, it can't hurt to have some eye candy on your trip, and if you end up in bed, all the better," she says.

"Kinsley! I would never!"

"Why not? He's hot and gives off a bad boy vibe, so I'm sure he's good in bed. You haven't been with anyone in what? Six months? Have a vacation fling, and then go your separate ways after the wedding. No one ever has to know."

"He's my brother's best friend. I have to see him at family events!"

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance