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We’re cuddling on the couch that night after I met with Jason and Nick at WJ’s, and my mind is whirling. That meeting was the first one in years I actually enjoyed, and to me, that means I need to make a change. Brice is right. I can delegate things, so I think I want to make a change in the clients I deal with and the ones I hand off to my team.

I want to work with people on a more personal level and become more involved like I have been for WJ's.

I’m thinking of developing a new department that works with local businesses like WJ’s and I want to be the one to oversee it. Without a doubt, I know I'd have dad's support. It's just the logistics that need to be worked out. It's what's been on my mind the whole time we’ve been watching this movie, and I have no idea what’s happened. Brice is running a hand through my hair and it's the most relaxing feeling in the world.

"What are you thinking about so hard over there?" Brice's voice breaks through my thoughts.

I realize the movie has ended.

"I have this idea running around my head of starting a new department to work with local businesses like WJ’s. But I want to be the one to do it. To be out there talking to these businesses."

"You did really well today. I was so proud of you, the way you had things planned, but you tailored it to them. The way you shifted focus based on what they wanted." He kisses the top of my head, sending a rash of shivers down my back.

"Actually, it was fun. For the first time in years, I enjoyed a business meeting. It won't make us a ton of money, but it will help real everyday people, and I want to be a part of that."

"So do it."

"I plan to."

"If I put on another movie, will you actually watch it?"

"No promises."

"That's what I thought. I'm putting on that new spy movie."

We snuggle back on the couch, and he watches the movie while my mind whirls and then comes to a crashing halt. I want to develop this new department and work with local companies, but all this requires that I go back to Dallas. Unfortunately, I no longer have a reason to stay for work, which means I have to get back to the office, in Dallas, almost two hours away from Brice.

I knew at some point this was going to happen, but I just kept pushing it out of my head and I never really gave it a second thought. Now I have no game plan. I can stay a few more days, but I need to be back at the office by Monday.

So instead of thinking about the new department or my next steps at work, I'm finally thinking of my next steps with Brice.

"Have you ever thought of living anywhere else?" I ask almost without thinking.

I know we’ve talked about it before, but my head needs to hear it again.

"No. My family, friends, practice, and home are here. I have no desire to live anywhere else."

"You could make a lot more money in Dallas."

With those words, his whole body goes stiff.

"It isn't about the money. This town is my home and I love it here. I went away for school, and I was miserable and hated every minute of it. First chance I had to come home, I took it."

I nod, but I guess part of me was hoping maybe he'd change his mind and make things easier on me. On us.

"Where is all this coming from?" he asks, not moving or even turning to look at me.

Here is the talk I’ve been putting off but we’re now at the point where we don't have a choice.

"Well, I need to go back to Dallas because I have to get back to work. I did what I came out here to do, and if I'm going to open this new department, I have to be in Dallas, at the company, to do it."

His hands stop moving and we both barely breathe. We know what this means. Our perfect little bubble is broken.

"So where does that leave us?" he finally asks the question neither of us wanted to voice.

I don't have an answer. His life is here in Rock Springs, and mine is in Dallas. Outside of building a magical transportation device, the answer is simply, I don't know. Though I don't have a long-term answer, I might have a short-term one.

Tags: Kaci Rose Billionaire Romance