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"That would be me," I tell her.

”You're too young," she states as if I'm lying to her.

I don't even get to correct her before Joy comes to my defense.

"Brice was taking college courses while he was still in high school. Then he took summer classes and graduated early as head of his class. He’s had job offers from Dallas to New York City but, thankfully, he wanted to come home and take over his dad's practice. You’re lucky he did, or else you'd still be in the car on the way to the next closest doctor, young lady." Joy exaggerates a little, but I don't correct her.

"I'm sorry. I get pre-judged in my position all the time," Kayla apologizes. She looks over at Jason, and I wonder what he might have said to her earlier. "I shouldn't have done that to you."

I squeeze her hand and smile, "I'm used to it from those who aren’t from around here."

She doesn't pull her hand away, so I continue to hold it. I'm not sure why I do, but there is this overwhelming need to have the connection to her.

"So, what's the damage doctor?" she asks.

No sooner do I open my mouth than there’s more commotion in the waiting room

"Jason!" a female voice calls.

"I knew she'd come down here. Even though I told her not to," Jason mutters.

Joy opens the door and Ella, Jason's wife, bursts into the room. She heads right for Jason’s arms and tucks herself into his side. Even though no one thought they would, those two just fit. He's older and a bar owner. She was raised in a strict church-going family, but somehow their worlds meshed.

"I told you I was fine and not to come down here," Jason says, kissing the top of her head.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't tell me if you were hurt until you got home, so I wasn't going to wait around."

I chuckle because it's true. I've treated Jason for some wounds from the bar, and every time he waits to tell Ella until he’s patched up.

“Ella, this is Kayla,” Jason says. “She’s with the company from Dallas. When she took a spill in our parking lot, I brought her here."

"Just to be clear, I own the company in Dallas," Kayla says with sass, even though she’s laying there on my exam table with a head wound

"Well, with those shoes, I'm surprised you lasted this long without taking a spill," Ella says.

"I told her that at the diner," I agree.

Kayla shoots me a glare, pulling her hand from mine.

"You’ll need a few stitches and I’ll clean up the cut on your temple. Your ankle needs an x-ray, but I'm pretty sure it’s just a sprain. It will be several weeks before you can walk on it again."

I pull out the penlight I keep on me in the office and take a look at her eyes. "You also seem to have a mild concussion, so you need to be monitored for the next forty-eight to seventy hours. Let's get the bleeding stopped and cleaned up, then we’ll get you an x-ray," I add.

"I'll clean her up if you want to walk them out," Joy says.

I nod, giving Kayla one last look before following Jason and Ella out to the waiting room. By the grace of God, there isn't a group of people here wanting the news straight from the source.

"You let me know how she is before she leaves. We’ll cover any fees," Jason says.

"She's the one with money,” I say. “How about we let her pay the fees?"

I know he doesn't like the idea, but he agrees.

"Come on, let Nick open the bar today, and let's go home and rest," Ella says, taking his hand.

"If I had a pretty lady like that trying to drag me home, I wouldn't hesitate,” I say. “Go. I promise I’ll text you with an update."

Jason finally gives in, and they leave. Standing there in the empty waiting room, I look down at my hand. I can still feel the warmth of her hand in mine. I swear I’m going crazy.

Tags: Kaci Rose Billionaire Romance