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I'm being spoiled staying here with Brice. He let me sleep and I can't remember the last time I got to do that. I'm starting to get used to it, and that can be a dangerous thing, especially on days like today when my phone keeps going off and I keep sending it to voicemail because I want to go back to sleep. Finally, after my assistant, Jen, calls me for the eleventh time, I pick up.

"The company better be bankrupt or the building on fire," I grumble.

"Were you sleeping?" she asks, making the word ‘sleeping’ sound like a dirty word. I guess in my world it is.

"They do things differently here, Jen. What's wrong?" I ask, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

"The investors from China showed up today, no announcement. They are demanding to talk to you, and we can't even get to their file because it's locked in your desk. Your father is trying to talk to them, but he said you have to come in today, just for the day. In the meantime, he’ll keep them busy, but you have to get here now." She says it all in one long run-on sentence making it sound like it was one long word.

"Okay, I’ll have to stop by my place and get dressed as I don't have anything to wear with me."


I get up and start moving around. First thing is I need to find Brice because I still don’t feel comfortable driving. It’s sunny out, and that gives me a headache. Plus, after that kiss last night, well, my head is fuzzy for a few reasons.

"Stall them with lunch. Tell them we weren't expecting them, but we are happy to accommodate when I finish the meeting I’m in. Lunch is on us, and my father will know how to handle it. Have Gary go with them as he knows their file as well as I do and can answer any questions. And remind me when I get back from Rock Springs to make a copy of that damn key and give it to my father."

We hang up and Brice is just looking at me, leaning against the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"How do you feel about spending the day in Dallas?" I ask.


I don't get a chance to tell him because the room starts spinning. I try to move toward a chair, Brice is right there helping me sit down.

"I don't think we’re going anywhere today. What happened just now?"

"The room was spinning."

"Vertigo. Side effect of the concussion," he explains.

"I have to go to Dallas. The investors we have been talking to for months showed up with no notice and are demanding to talk to me. My dad could handle it except the file is locked in my desk and I’m the only one with the key."

"But your health is more important."

"Brice, I’ll come back here and do nothing for however long it takes. We can't lose this deal. It's not just me having something to prove. If we lose this deal, we lose an entire department of our company. The company as a whole will be fine, though it will take a hit. But that department shutting down? It puts over two hundred people out of a job. If we get this money? I can create fifty more jobs."

"Fine, but I'm driving, and I'm not leaving your side. If you look for one second like you’re going to crash, I won't hesitate to pull you away."

"Deal. My parents will be there too, so be warned. But Dad will be in business mode and Mom won't let on at work who you are."

"Go get ready. I need to call my dad, anyway," Brice says.

"Ok, dress nice, a button-down shirt at least, and keep the boots!" I call as I head down the hallway to get dressed.

For the first time in my life, I want to wear a dress and my boots to work, but I know that will raise more questions. Maybe I can implement a casual Friday or Texas Tuesday and wear them then.

Fifteen minutes later, we are in Brice’s truck. He keeps looking over at me.

"What?"I ask.

"Not what I'd expect you to wear into the office."

I laugh. "We have to stop by my place first. Which will allow me to pack a bag.”

"You know, now that your parents are home, you don't have to return to Rock Springs. I can get someone to bring your car up..." he trails off and won't even look at me when he says it.

"If me being here is too much, then I can figure something else out." I don't even know how I feel about it.

Tags: Kaci Rose Billionaire Romance