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Ford doesn't say anything right away, he simply watches me. "Like want to have some fun while she’s here? Or like want to find a way to make it work when she goes back to Dallas?"

"Fuck if I know. Maybe it's just her being in my house and right there twenty-four-seven the last few days. Or the fact that I haven't been laid in a year?”

Ford lets out a low whistle and a chuckle."You don't have to know someone long to just know. Look at me and Savannah," he says.

Savannah is a singer and was based in Nashville. She was on tour when a scandal hit and the band she was opening for suggested she take a break and visit family. That was just after Thanksgiving. So, she came here to hang out with her sister, Lilly. Then she met Ford, and they were engaged by Christmas. It was a bumpy road and not all easy, but it worked out for them and seems to be worth it.

"Again, not everyone is that lucky," I reply.

"You’re overthinking it, man. While she’s here, just enjoy the time with her. When it's time for her to go home, you’ll know what your feelings are and what to do. Dallas isn't that far. Don't say no based on that."

"It’s not just that. I looked up her company and her net worth is in the billions. She’s the CEO of a very powerful company. There’s no way she would ever be happy here and there’s no way in hell I'm moving to Dallas."

Ford grabs my shoulders and turns me around. From here we have a view of the women and Kayla is there laughing and talking, fitting right in. With the boots, jeans, and shirt she bought yesterday, she looks relaxed and like she belongs here.

"She looks like she fits in just fine to me," he says as he watches Savannah. "By the way, nice boots."

"Thanks, Kayla bought them for me."

"I heard Missy is telling everyone about her undercover mission to help Kayla out. That woman bought you a great gift. Don’t rule her out just yet," he says.

With that, Ford turns and walks through the crowd.

I stand and watch a bit longer. For just a moment, I can pretend. Pretend she belongs to me and that this is a possibility.

Too bad it's just pretend.

Tags: Kaci Rose Billionaire Romance