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"I dated Sage before she and her husband got together. It's actually what made Colt stop pussyfooting around and make his move. She's a nice girl, but neither of us felt it. Colt forgave me and even included me in his scavenger hunt for Sage when he proposed."

"Scavenger hunt?"

"He sent her all over the ranch and town, reliving their favorite memories. Each letter had a clue to the next place, and it ended with him proposing."

"That is really sweet. My dad proposed beside Bonnie's grave, you know, from Bonnie and Clyde."

"What? He proposed in a graveyard?" Brice asks, shock crossing his face, making me giggle.

"My mom is obsessed with Bonnie and Clyde. Their story, the history of it. Now that she has the money, she keeps trying to get the guy who owns their car to sell to it her, but he won’t. When he had it on display, the MGM in Las Vegas acquired it, and my mom was fuming for over a month. She cursed the MGM, and she cursed the previous owner. My dad has been in talks with the MGM about buying it, but allowing them to keep it on display since it draws a crowd. They haven't given in yet. It's the one thing she is willing to spend a crazy amount of money on. So, in a way, it was the perfect proposal for my mom."

"It sounds like it."

"My dad was all cheesy saying he wanted to be the Clyde to her Bonnie or something like that. Watching them tell the story is really sweet. Every time they go, they visit Bonnie’s grave. Did you know Bonnie and Clyde weren't married? Their families were so angry with them, they buried them in separate graveyards miles apart in Dallas."

"I didn't know that."

"Yeah, Bonnie's is in a large cemetery open for the public to see, and Clyde’s is in the small run-down one that is private. My dad has made some donations and helped to clean up his grave and get a historical plague placed so they have special access. My mother was over the moon when he gave her the key to the graveyard for their anniversary one year."

"Morbid and romantic at the same time," Brice smiles as we pull into his driveway.

"In a way it is, but I grew up with it, and now I just find it sweet. Everything my dad has done for her. He even said he'd play dirty to get Mom Bonnie and Clyde's car. My mom made him promise not to, though. "

"Will your dad listen?"


As I wait for Brice to come to help me from the car, my mom's voice filters through my head. Find a love like Bonnie and Clyde, a love you can't live without and would do anything for.

Normally some faceless man is there when I think of my 'Clyde.’ Only this time, it's Brice's face.

Tags: Kaci Rose Billionaire Romance