Page 10 of Sunset

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All I can do is watch him, as he clicks around the screen and takes in the data. I won’t admit to him that I’m glad to have another set of eyes on the books, especially, after how George left.

“Okay, your food waste is a bit high. I think we should run some reports, and then cut the lowest selling items from the menu.” He says.

“Which items would that be?” I ask him, as I step into the office, leaning on the side of the desk, and then cross my arms and watch him.

“The tuna, the lasagna, and the supreme pizza. I’d also cut the catfish from the kid’s menu.” He says, and finally, his eyes look up at me.

Damn him. Because moments like this, are the ones we were supposed to have in our future. Running The Inn together, exactly like this.

“Fine, make it happen. Redo the menu, and I can print them in my office, until the mail opens back up,” I say and turn to leave.

Being so close to him, is fogging my brain and not letting me think clearly.

“Brynn…” He says, stopping me in my tracks.

“What?” I ask over my shoulder.

“Is this how it’s always going to be?” He asks.

“Well, considering it’s five years later, and I’ve yet to hear an apology out of your mouth, I’d say yes, exactly like this.” I leave the office, as my heart starts to race.

I march into the kitchen, grabbing my dinner plate, and then heading to my room. I lock the door, as I plan on being in for the night. I turn on some reality TV show and try to get lost in someone else’s problems for a change. I finish my burger, which I have to admit, is one of the best I’ve ever eaten, and that irritates me even more.

I turn off the TV, grab my tablet, and decide to take a nice hot bubble bath and read, until my skin is all pruny. I get a few chapters in, when someone starts pounding on my door.

I don’t move. If it’s Lin, she has a key, and if it’s not, then I have no intentions of getting out of this water and opening the door.

“I know you’re in there, Brynn,” Jasper yells. I check the time, and sure enough, the kitchen should be closed by now.

“Fine, don’t answer, but we need to talk at some point. I’m sorry about what happened. I was young, stupid, and just didn’t understand it all. You were always more mature than me, you know that, and how you put up with me all those years, I will never know, but I’m grateful you did. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be right here, but I’m just warning you, we will talk.” He says.

“Not on your life,” I whisper, knowing he can’t hear me.

“I’m not going anywhere, and you’re just going to make this harder on you and your employees the longer you fight this.” He tries again.

I still don’t answer, waiting to see what he says next.

“Fine, Brynn, but this isn’t over.” He growls.

I know that growl, and my body knows that growl, so I gasp. He would growl like that in bed. My body betrays me, as my nipples stiffen, and my core starts to throb.

No, I refuse to give in, as I force myself to think about walking into the supply closet and finding that eighty-year-old couple, going at it two summers ago. All the saggy skin and wrinkles is exactly the picture that stops my body in its tracks.

I lean my head back on the edge of the tub. He’s right. I know we need to talk, but I don’t know what to say. I want to forgive him, and I thought I had a long time ago. But seeing him here in person, I’m not so sure I actually did. Maybe, I convinced myself I did just to make me feel better. I also know that a small part of me knows, if I forgive him, then that leads to me opening up to him, and I can’t trust him with my heart again.

I finally get out of the tub and go to bed. This is going to be a long few weeks. I’m going to put out an ad for a new chef tomorrow. I can do interviews over video and have someone lined up the moment the bridge opens.

That’s the only way I’m going to survive this.

Chapter 6


I’ve been working here at The Sunset in the kitchen for a week now, and I’ve got a good routine going with the guys. Brynn has a great staff, but the problem is that the last chef wasn’t willing to teach them. They’re hungry to learn, and they learn fast.

My goal has been to train them on everything, so if God forbid something like this happens again, she isn’t left in the lurch. I’ve also been revamping her menu a bit and lowering her food costs. She has resorted to communicating with me via The Sunset’s messaging system and by email.

That’s fine, as she obviously needs some time. The more I’m here, the more I know I was an idiot, and this is where I should have been all along. I got blinded by the big city lights and fancy titles.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance