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That, and he had to be one of the most handsome men I’d ever laid eyes on. The resemblance to Blayze was uncanny.

This had to be the mysterious Brock Shaw.

Brock stared at me for another few moments, then frowned. His eyes no longer looked confused. The look was replaced with one that made me feel like I had just been sent to the principal’s office.


Finally, at the sound of his son’s voice, he broke the stare and turned to Blayze. He pulled him into his arms and smiled the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen. Like his brother Ty, Brock had dimples, but his were deeper, and I’d bet they only showed up when he smiled at his son.

I thought back to a moment ago, when he had given me an icy stare, and I had no idea why he would have looked at me so coldly.

“What are you doing here?” Brock asked Blayze.

“Grams made a pie for Miss Lincoln here. She asked me if I wanted to see her horse.”

Brock grinned wide, but when he turned to me, his smile dropped. I had plastered on my own smile, but when the icy stare came back, it faltered.

“What are you doing out here in the barn with my son?”

Taking a step away from him, I was stunned by the tone of his voice. I was positive the look on my face was utter shock. “Um, well, your brother is up at the house, helping Kaylee hang some blinds. I offered to bring Blayze down here to show him Thunder.”

Forcing a small smile, I waited for him to crack and give me something. Surely he couldn’t keep that scowl on his face indefinitely.

“So, you thought you’d quiz my son on his mother?”

My eyes widened. “What?” I gasped.

How dare this guy accuse me of that.

Wait. That’s what I had wanted to do . . . wasn’t it?

By my own admission, I’d wanted to know more about both Brock and about Blayze’s mother. But it was Blayze who had mentioned not knowing her.

Placing my hands on my hips, I lifted my chin. There was no way I was going to let this guy talk down to me.

“I wasn’t quizzing him. We were talking, and he was telling me all the things you’d shown him. I’m not privy to any information on his mother, so I wasn’t aware that this was a subject to avoid.”

Brock’s eyes twitched, and he set Blayze down. “Run on over to my truck, buddy. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Blayze lit up like the Fourth of July.

“Bye, Miss Lincoln!” he called out.

I lifted my hand and shouted, “Bye, Blayze! Thanks for the pie!”

Once his son was around the corner, Brock turned back to me. He took three long strides and then was right up in my face. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my body, but I refused to move. The man might be good looking, but he was acting like a first-rate asshole. He leaned in closer to me, and I sucked in a breath, hoping he didn’t notice.

“Don’t ever ask my son about his mother again. Do you hear me?”

My eyes widened yet again, and I could feel my body trembling with anger. How dare this man come walking into my barn and throw out accusations? I may think he’s hot as hell, but a rude attitude quickly makes the good looks vanish.

Taking in a deep breath, I stated, “I didn’t invite Ty to come over and bring your son. They stopped by of their own free will. I wasn’t fishin’ for information on your wife; that is something I would never do. But let me just say, with you not wanting to be a part of the sale, you’ve already made this whole transaction a bit . . . weird.”

The corner of his mouth twitched. “Weird? How?”

I swallowed hard and then shrugged. “I don’t know. You never even exchanged an email with me. It’s been your brother Ty or one of your parents handling everything. I don’t know why you sold the house, and I don’t care, Mr. Shaw. I just want to be a good neighbor, and since I live so close to your family, I was trying to be friendly. That’s all.”

Brock suddenly dropped his gaze to my mouth. I had to fight the urge to lick my now-dry-as-the-Sahara-Desert lips. When he licked his own, I swear I felt the ground shake.

One minute he looked at me like I was a bug to step on; the next he looked like he wanted to kiss me! The man made my head spin, and I’d only known him for less than five minutes.

“You want to be a good neighbor?” he asked in a low, sexy voice that almost had me wishing he would kiss me. Okay, maybe he wasn’t such an ass.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Meet Me in Montana Romance