Page 74 of Loving Rose

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I shake my head. This man will never get tired of calling me that.

“I have a gift for you,” he says, placing his tux jacket on the couch before removing his cufflinks.

Immediately, I sit upright, my perpetual smile dropping. “Zander, we said no gifts except these.” I hold up my hand, showing him my pretty wedding band.

“It’s something else, couch girl.” He’s already pulling his shirt out of his pants.

I don’t understand. His actions and words make no sense. Except for last night, when Kristy dragged me to her place, we’ve spent all of our nights together this past week. I mean, I do believe Zander is a gift in bed, but I already have that.

“It’s not sex, my lovely wife.” He smirks before yanking the shirt from his body.

Holy crab! My husband is hot.

I’m still drooling over his broad chest when he turns around. My gaze instantly slides to the shiny transparent bandage over his shoulders. It takes me a second to realize what’s different.

I suck in a deep breath at the sight of the small red roses on his tattoo where there used to be blood drops. There are even some small leaves drawn in black ink.

My hands skim over my wrists, hunting for some fabric to tug, but unfortunately, my wedding dress doesn’t have cuffs.

Zander looks at me over his shoulder. When he finds me scratching my wrists, he settles next to me and grabs my hands, halting my movements.

“What did you do?” My voice trembles, and it’s a task to force the words out around my constricting throat.

“A rose is now the most beautiful part of my life.” Zander opens my fists, and his fingers lightly graze my palms, effectively distracting me.

“When did you do this?” I nod toward his back, my pulse still wild.

“Yesterday morning when you were out with your mom and Kristy.” He caresses my cheek with the back of his thumb, and I can’t stop the tear that rolls down my face.

“I’m so scared, Zander.” My chest tightens with fear, and suddenly I’m ice cold. Zander presses kisses over my palms, silently urging me to continue. “I can’t believe there’s so much happiness and love in my life. I fear that this is a dream.”

“This is as real as it gets, couch girl.” He presses his lips to mine, savoring me.

I hold on to him like always and forever is now.




“Maybe we should have taken Dad’s offer and stayed the night in St. Peppers,” I whisper as we drive through the heavy rain.

“We’ll be fine, couch girl. It’s only for a few miles.” Zander’s grip tightens around the steering wheel.

We’re returning from a family dinner at my parents’ house. My dad likes us to visit as often as we can whenever he and Mom aren’t traveling. So today, at seven sharp, Zander and I; Kristy with her family, including my new niece, Chloe; and Zander’s brothers showed up at my parents’ doorstep.

As always, it was wonderful, with lots of good food, laughter, and music. Mom and I were joined by Dad on the piano. It was magical. It was family time. It was everything I’ve ever craved.

As for our own family, Zander and I talk about it a lot these days.

But there’s something stopping me from ditching my pills. It’s not the fear of danger that haunted my whole life, but it’s something inside me.

How can I give a perfect life to someone when this family stuff is still new to me?

“Fuck.” Zander brakes the car sharply before bringing it to a screeching halt.

“What? What happened?”

Tags: Vikki Jay Romance