Page 17 of Loving Rose

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When was it? Was it in the hospital? Was she a nurse? Can she be someone from Kindred Hearts?

Why can’t I remember?

“Rose. Rose. Couch girl!” My brain barely registers Zander’s worried voice coming from afar.

I open my eyes to find him shaking my shoulders.

“What is it, baby?” He engulfs my trembling body in his arms, providing me with his warmth.

I can’t believe I’m having a meltdown in Ashcroft’s home. It’s like a reality check for me, and maybe for Zander too. This is what it’s like to be with me. I try to breathe, but all these thoughts are only making me nervous. I start to wheeze, and Zander hugs me tight.

“Rose. Baby, what is it?”

How can I tell him that it’s nothing? It’s just my sick mind.

“I… I…” My arid voice makes it hard to form words.

Zane hands me a glass of water, and I gulp quickly.

“Easy. Everything’s okay.” Zander continues to rub my back, his touch bringing my anxiety down. I try to refocus on my breathing. After a few minutes, my heart rate slows, and the trembling ceases.

“Are you feeling better?” Zach asks.

Everyone has a concerned expression on their face and I’ve no idea when she left. Probably when I was busy having a meltdown.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t…mean to scare anyone.” I cling to Zander, seeking more of his warmth.

“We don’t scare that easy. Next time, try harder.” Zach winks.

I don’t want a next time, but I don’t tell him that. I’m just glad they’re all still here and aren’t asking me to leave.

“W-what happened, R-Rose?” Zane asks in his raspy voice as he sits on the coffee table before me. “Th-there must have been a tr-rigger.”

Should I tell them? But what would I even say?

“You can t-tell us.” As always, it feels like Zane can read my mind. He leans slightly forward and holds my small hands in his bigger ones, squeezing them lightly.

“I’ve seen those brown eyes, but…I can’t remember where? That’s…never happened to me before.”

Zander pulls me closer to his chest. “Brown eyes?”

“The woman who was here a few minutes ago.” I point to the door through which she came.

“Roxanne?” Zach asks.

I nod.

“Her eyes ar-re a common sh-shade, Rose. Do you remember anyth-thing else?”

I shake my head.

“Is-s it pos-ssible you’re anxious to meet Beas-st and probably weren’t expect-ting anyone else?”

Zane’s explanation makes sense.

I hadn’t expected to meet a woman in Beast’s house. When I was rehearsing this meeting in my head, there were only five of us.

And it’s not news that I don’t do well with surprises. Could it just be my nerves?

Tags: Vikki Jay Romance