Page 51 of Perfect Distraction

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“Who are you?”

“I’m Lauren.” A loud clattering sound reached Lauren’s ears. “Um, is there someone named Andrew here?”

The little girl frowned. “Are you talking about Uncle Andy?”


Little blue eyes narrowed, and tiny hands propped on small hips. She clutched a pink purse in her fingers, and it dangled by her side. “Are you his girlfriend?”

Was this an interrogation?

“No, I’m not. But, um, is he here?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“What you want with him.”

Lauren was confused and amused at the same time. And she had no idea how to answer that.

What did she want with him?

The little girl tried a different tactic. “Do you think he’s still cute with no hair?”

“Alva?” came a deep voice. “Where are you?” Andrew stepped through the doorway, and his eyes went wide. “Lauren?”

He immediately knelt down by her side. “Are you okay? Why are you on the ground?”

“Stupid…dog knocked…her down,” came Jeni’s breathless voice. She stepped onto the porch, pulling the shameful-looking dog by the collar. “Sorry…about that.”

Jeni pushed the dog into the house and swung the little girl up into her arms. “Come on.” They went inside and the door closed, leaving Lauren and Andrew alone on the porch.

Lauren’s wide eyes met Andrew’s. She looked at the door and the pandemonium within, and back to Andrew.

He straightened and held his hand out to her. She gripped his big, strong hand, and he pulled her to her feet with ease. His grasp lingered for a second longer than necessary before he dropped his arm to his side.

“I’m sorry,” he began. “They all showed up a half hour ago. My mom and dad, Rhonda, and Valerie and her husband and kids. Even though we told them not to come. We had no idea, and I couldn’t find my phone to warn you…” He trailed off. He appeared to be offering her a small smile, but it ended up more like a grimace. “At least the extended family didn’t come.”

Lauren brushed off her backside with a sigh and said nothing.

“I understand if you don’t want to, but I’d love it if you stayed.” His eyes turned soft and pleading. “When I told my mom you were coming she got so excited.”

As if conjured by some spirit, the door opened to reveal Andrew’s mother.

“Lauren! I’m glad you’re here.” The petite, gray-haired woman wrapped an arm around Lauren’s shoulders and continued speaking as she pulled Lauren through the doorway.

Lauren glanced back and bugged her eyes out at Andrew, and with a grin on his face, he mouthed, I’m sorry.

“I could use another hand in the kitchen. We’re kind of short on time. Just started getting the meal together twenty minutes ago, you know. No time for a turkey but I’m making a ham, is that okay with you?”

She opened her mouth to reply, but his mom kept going.

“Can you peel a potato, honey? That’s what I really need right now. I’m working on the pies…”

Lauren’s eyes darted around the living room as they passed through. Two men sat on the couch, the older one she assumed to be Andrew’s dad. The other had a baby on his lap, his eyes glued to the football game on the television. Andrew’s dad looked at Lauren with open curiosity, but his mother kept walking at a brisk pace, and soon Lauren found herself in the kitchen.

This was where all the commotion had stemmed from. Rhonda held a wide-legged stance in front of the sink doing dishes, and Valerie stirred something in a mixing bowl with a wooden spoon, the large white dog sitting tall nearby with his tail wagging. Jeni sat perched at the island with the little blond girl from earlier—Andrew had called her Alva?—and they were snapping the ends from long string beans.

Tags: Allison Ashley Romance