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“Honored to meet you, Mr. Lincoln.”

“Same here.”

The traffic began moving again. She looked back to see Creighton being confronted by the man in the suit, but this time a policeman was there as well. Not caring about his fate, she turned to face the road. “Can I trouble you to take me to the Christophe? I’ll pay you for your trouble.”

“I don’t need any money. The day my master went to war, I dug up all the gold he’d had us bury the day before. I’m set until the good lord calls me home.”

She chuckled. “I appreciate your kindness.”

“And I appreciate you making this a real exciting day. Can’t wait to get home and tell my wife.”

Later, upon hearing Valinda tell the story, Drake laughed. “His name was Abraham Lincoln?”

Val was lying in bed in their room at Julianna’s cuddled against the protective cocoon that was her husband. “The Bureau told him he could name himself whatever he wanted, so he did.”

“And you know he’s probably not the only one who took that name.”

She did. “I don’t think I want to name our child that though.”

She felt him stiffen.

“Especially if it’s a girl.”

He turned so he could see her face. “You’re carrying?”


He roared and grabbed her up and rolled her on the bed like an alligator. Laughing and screaming, she cried out, “Stop before we end up on the floor!”

He stopped, and stared down at her with wondrous eyes. “I’m going to be a father.”

“Yes, and I hope it’s a girl. I’m not sure the world can handle any more male LeVeqs.”

He grinned.

She tenderly cupped his bearded cheek and kissed him softly. “Thank you for loving me. You proved love does exist and it changed my life.”

He pulled her close. “You’re welcome. Thanks for your love as well.”

As they drifted off to sleep, Valinda Lacy LeVeq prayed for a strong, healthy baby girl who’d be as generous as her pirate father and as rebellious as her hellion mother.

She was proud of the life she’d carved out for herself. She’d dared to come to Louisiana alone. Then dared to help the freedmen and believe she could start a school. But the best one? Daring herself to accept Drake’s love. The old fortune-teller’s words rose in her mind:You will lose a love, reject a love, find a love.

Pleased that the prophecy had proven true, Val smiled and slept, dreaming of her daughter.

But she had a son. They christened him Raimond Drake LeVeq. He weighed eight pounds, nine ounces, and came into the world roaring like a bear.

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