Page 18 of Before I Do

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Josh rolled his neck left and right, then reached out for Audrey’s hand. ‘I’ll live. Look, they say bad luck comes in threes, don’t they? We’ve had a dead bat and mutual strangulation, so only one more disaster to befall us before “I do”.’

‘Don’t say that,’ said Audrey, feeling goosebumps prickle her skin.

‘I’m joking.’ Josh reached up to stroke Audrey’s cheek with the back of his hand. ‘You don’t seriously believe all Granny Parker’s superstitious nonsense, do you?’

‘Let’s not tempt fate.’

Audrey consciously tried to act normally, to compose her face in a neutral expression. This was Josh, whom she knew better than anyone. Josh, her best friend. So why did she suddenly feel so awkward, as though she were standing there with a stranger?

‘You’d tell me if there was something else wrong, wouldn’t you?’ Josh lowered his eyes. ‘You’ve hardly cracked a smile since the church.’ He raked a hand through his hair again and let out a long, audible exhale. He looked so concerned, and Audrey hated that she had caused him to feel that way. She reached out for his hands.

‘I was bracing myself for more dead bats,’ she said, affecting a goofy smile.

Josh’s wounded look receded, and he wrapped his arms around her and leaned in for a kiss. ‘I’m sorry, I know it’s been hectic, with me away so much, and our mothers both being so... heavily involved. But just think, by Sunday afternoon it will just be me, you, two sun loungers, and that salted fish they do down at Ses Boques.’ He reached up to push a curl behind her ear.

‘I can’t wait,’ Audrey said, leaning into him. ‘And I’m sorry I haven’t been smiling enough. You know me, I get a bit lost in my own head when there are so many people around. I’m sure I’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep.’

She definitely would not be fine after a good night’s sleep.

‘I don’t mind if you don’t smile, just as long as you’re happy.’ Josh paused, waiting for her to say something. She nodded. ‘Okay, sleep well, and I’ll see you in the church.’ Josh bent down to kiss her forehead. ‘I love you, Audrey, more than anything. Remember, this is just the beginning.’

‘I love you too,’ she said, and it was the truth.

Josh turned to go, just as Clara came back through the door with another case from the car and a bunch of flowers under each arm. Josh hurried to help, taking the flowers from her and placing them on the dresser.

‘I hope you have had these flowers before,’ Josh said, imitating Vivien’s clipped, concerned voice. ‘We can’t risk an allergy. Don’t go rubbing pollen all over your face, now.’ He dipped his face into the flowers, and Audrey and Clara both laughed at his impression. Josh winked at Audrey. Then, already halfway out of the door, he added, ‘By the way, what do we think of Miranda’s new boyfriend?’

Clara dropped the suitcase she was still holding on her foot, let out a strange ‘Hhhmmwahh’ sound, and then hopped around the room muttering expletives.

‘Here, let me take that,’ Josh said, taking the case from her and lifting it on to the bed.

He put his arm around Clara, pulling her into a hug.

‘Deep breaths,’ he said, taking a few himself. ‘You okay?’

‘I’m fine. Won’t be able to wear heels tomorrow, but I’m fine. What were you saying?’ Clara grimaced.

‘This Fred bloke. What do you think? Is he going to be the man to finally tame my sister?’ Josh asked.

‘I didn’t get a chance to talk to him,’ said Audrey, feeling her cheeks grow warm.

‘That’s a shame, I think you’d like him,’ said Josh. ‘He’s your sort of person.’

‘What makes you say that?’ Audrey asked, affecting a breezy tone, but feeling as though a swarm of wasps had just taken up residence in her throat.

‘Just some of the stuff he was talking about in the car on the way from the station. He’s a photographer, like you, loves all the old-fashioned technology. He collects photo booths and restores them or something. Make sure you get a chance to talk to him tomorrow.’

‘I’ll try,’ said Audrey, her voice not sounding like her own.

‘I can’t see him being Miranda’s type though,’ Josh went on. ‘I always thought she went for posh boys, sporty wine buffs like Paul, not cool photography nerds.’

‘You went for a photography nerd,’ Audrey reminded him.

‘Because you’re sexy and smart, and I love everything about you.’ He leaned in to kiss her on the lips.

‘Okay get a room guys,’ said Clara. ‘Oh wait, this is your room, but not until tomorrow.’ Josh let out a short laugh, then opened the door to go.

‘I’m really going now.’ He paused, holding out his hand in the air, his smallest finger crooked out at an angle. ‘Pinkie swear not to stand each other up at the altar tomorrow?’

Tags: Sophie Cousens Romance