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Fifty Years After I Do

New Scientist Magazine

Dame Audrey Parker, world-renowned astrophotographer, has been awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Science. Parker came to fame when she utilised the Hadron Pale space telescope to capture images of unchartered regions of deep space. Her legacy of photographs, specifically of the Andromeda Galaxy, are groundbreaking in the level of detail they reveal about previously unknown planets and star clusters.

Parker once famously described herself as a ‘late bloomer’. She did not embark on a career in astronomy or astrophotography until her thirties. When asked the secret to her extraordinary success, she often credits her supportive family. When collecting her award at the Royal Observatory last week, she said, ‘I have always loved to look up. Astronomy helps us understand where we are from and where we are going. It teaches us humility. As my life has progressed, I have been privileged to see further and further out into space, capturing images of many millions of stars. As yet, not one has outshone the love of my life, my guiding light, my husband.’

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