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‘I can’t today,’ I say, feeling my face tighten into a wince. ‘Jasper is taking me to the Écréhous.’

Ted pulls a hand through his hair and nods, his brow briefly knitting, before ironing out into a smile. His face is so much more expressive now that there is more of it to see – a pulsing muscle in his jaw and these dimpled smile lines around his mouth.

‘I see, good.’ Good? ‘If you have a tour guide sorted, you don’t need me.’

‘It’s kind of you to offer, Ted,’ I say. ‘It’s just Jasper invited me on this boat trip, and—’ I glance up at the drive, where Jasper has climbed out of the car and is waving at me. He’s dressed in chino shorts with a cricket jumper around his neck; he looks like the Great Gatsby on holiday.

‘I’m glad it’s all working out as you hoped.’ Ted nods, turning to walk back up to the house.

The letter, I need to give him the letter! I was going to give it to him as soon as I saw him, but then I got distracted by his new face and— Well, I can’t just hand it over now, with Jasper standing there waving; I’d need a moment to explain why I have it.

‘Ted—’ I begin, not sure what I’m going to say.

He swings around, hands in his pockets, nods his head towards Jasper, and gives me a wink.

‘Enjoy yourself, kiddo.’

Tags: Sophie Cousens Romance