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‘But still the sad face,’ he says, needling his chin into my shoulder.

‘I’m just – I’ve never felt like this before and I’m jealous that you have.’

‘I’ve never felt like this either,’ says Ted, turning to hold me by both shoulders. ‘How could it be the same? Laura, from the moment you got into my cab and shouted at me, I’ve done nothing but think about you.’ I cringe at the memory, but smile despite myself. ‘Like it or not, you do make the world a prettier place for me, and when we started talking in the car, well – it was kablammo central for me.’

I smile up at him because he’s saying all the right things.

‘I think for me, it was when I saw you coming out of the sea in your wet clothes.’

‘Oh, so you’re just after my body rather than my sparkling conversation, are you?’

‘Am I allowed to say I enjoy both?’

And then he kisses me again and I don’t have any more doubts.

Tags: Sophie Cousens Romance