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“Lady Evelyn,” he murmured, holding her hand in his.

“Your Grace,” she replied, her fingers squeezing his. “How was your afternoon?”

He leaned close. “Boring without you.”

That brought a genuine smile that reached her eyes as she allowed him to pull her closer. “I should have stayed in the game room.”

Had she missed him too? “You take my breath away tonight, Evie.”

But rather than look happy, her smile slipped again. “Thank you.”

Was she not happy with her appearance? Had her mother chosen the clothing again? “Is your dress uncomfortable?”

“No. It’s fine.”

“What is it then?”

She shook her head. “It’s nothing. I’d like to have rested longer, that’s all. And since I couldn’t, I should have just stayed in your company.”

Those words returned much of his enthusiasm for the evening. She’d wanted to be with him. Tucking her hand into his arm, he escorted her to the drawing room where many of the guests had gathered before dinner.

Evan was not a man who was prone to rash decisions, despite his temper, but he could hardly hold his emotion back tonight as her fingers rested in the crook of his elbow, her body brushing his as they walked.

Evie had captured his attention in a way no woman had before her.

She made him feel liked, valued for more than his title. Wanted as a man. And that filled his heart with an unexpected emotion he could hardly explain.

Which likely explained why he steered her toward a corner of the room, intent upon having a more private discussion.

He couldn’t outright propose. Not without permission, but he could be more direct.

He could ask her intentions and share his.

Couldn’t he?

His heart hammered in his chest, blood rushing in his ears as he found a dark corner, a leafy plant of some sort at least partially blocking them from the crowd. Matilda could surely tell them what type it was, not that it mattered.

Gads. He was distracted.

“Evan?” Evie asked as she stepped back at little, her face tilted up to his. “Is everything all right?

“Fine.” He waved his hand. “I just need to speak with you. I want—” He paused, trying to collect his thoughts. That same rushing that he experienced when he lost his temper had filled his mind.

“Breathe,” she softly whispered. “A deep breath in and then out.”

He did as she suggested and found that his thoughts cleared. He took another, finding his mind significantly calmed. “How did you…”

She looked down, nipping at her bottom lip. “It’s what I use to control my fear. My anxiousness.”

He blinked as he looked down at her. Anxiousness? He’d seen her stumble a few times, but fear? “Evie what do you mean?”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. What were you trying to say?”

He studied her for a moment as he tried to decide. Their future was of the utmost importance but what wasn’t she saying? The crowd began stirring, clearly dinner would be called soon and he’d be one of the first to assemble out. “I wanted to discuss deepening our relationship, Evie. I want to court…” But he tapered off as her face went pale.

Every muscle in his body clenched.

“Your Grace.”

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical