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Evie’s embarrassmentwas only half the reason she’d left. Belatedly she’d realized that his questions about marriage were not just random questions in an effort to get to know her, he wished to garner her specific interest.

Which shouldn’t have surprised her.

They’d kissed yesterday.

But then again, they’d only known each other a few days and while she grew to like the man more and more each day, Tillie was right. He was always going to be a duke. Living in the country wouldn’t change that or release her from her obligations.

And as the woman who preferred to hide in the kitchen or the library, she was ill-suited to be his duchess.

The eyes of the crowd were so easily drawn to him.

“Evie,” he called behind her and she stopped in the hall, not even certain where she was running.

He caught up to her, standing just behind her, and touched her shoulder. “Are you all right?”

“Fine,” she croaked, “Just embarrassed. I…”

“I shouldn’t have touched you like that.”

She shook her head, still not turning to him. “I shouldn’t have reacted so strongly. I just wasn’t expecting it and with everyone around us…” Watching, she silently added.

“Evie,” he said low. “I’m sorry. Once again, I’ve managed to completely embarrass you.”

She turned then, her eyes wide, as their gazes met. Oh, how she could fall into his eyes and forget there were very good reasons to seek another path, another man. “It isn’t your fault. I jumped. Just like I’m the one who actually dropped the bowl of bread pudding the other day. And I’m the one who can’t ride a horse so that I manage to get stuck on a trail. It’s silly really. I want people to respect me and yet I can’t seem to do anything right.”

His arms slipped about her and suddenly she was crushed to his chest. “You do loads right, and for whatever it’s worth, I respect you a great deal.”

“I just made a fool of both of us.”

He spread his fingers out over her back. “You did not. And even if you did, no one would dare whisper a word.” He dropped his voice, “One of the advantages of being a duke with a temper is that they’ll all hold their tongues.”

That made her laugh. A little. “I’ve never thought of that before.”

“There are rare times when it’s good to be me.”

Her smile slipped a little. Because being him also meant being watched. “My head is throbbing a bit. I think I’ll lie down.”

His gaze grew dark with concern. “Should I fetch the doctor?”

“No.” She quickly shook her head. “I’ll just rest. I’ll be fine by this evening.”

“Will I see you at dinner?”

She gave a nod, though her stomach lurched. Every time they were together, she forgot her objections a bit more. But that scene in the game room had reminded her why she wasn’t duchess material. “Of course.”

With a nod, he let her go and she slipped up to her room, breathing a sigh of relief as she closed the door, leaning against it as she closed her eyes.

She needed a moment alone to sort out her feelings. But hardly a second had passed when a knock sounded on the other side of the door, reverberating through her skull.

“Evie?” her mother called. “Are you in there?”

No, no, no. “Yes.” She pushed off the door and slid it open a crack. “What is it?” She raised a hand to her head, rubbing her fingers over her forehead as she prepared herself for the tongue-lashing that was surely coming.

She’d been a fool in the game room.

Her mother huffed. “Are you going to let me in?”

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical