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His aunt didn’t bother to waste time digging. “Admit it. You like her.”

“I admit it.”

“You’d like to know more about her?”

He stopped on the stairs, turning toward his aunt. “I would.”

She gave a small clap. “Good. The family is most amenable—”

Those words soured his rosy feelings. The family. “I don’t give a fig what her mother or father wish. I’m not interested unless she is. Actually and really.”

His aunt let out a huff of breath. “Of course, she is. That’s a given.”

“It is not.” He needn’t burden either of them with the list of his past failures but they both knew them.

“Evie likes you,” she said simply. “It’s obvious to me and it should be obvious to you.”

“It should.” But he’d been mistaken before. He started up the stairs but his aunt’s hand on his arm stopped him.

“Get to know her a bit more. That’s all I’m asking.”

Evan let out a long breath of frustrated air. He didn’t want another failure. Another woman who found him too much. “I’ll think on it.”

“Thank you,” she returned, threading her arm through his. “Isn’t she stunning?”

“She is,” he answered a bit begrudgingly. He didn’t wish to encourage his aunt too much in case his interest in Evie went the way the others had gone. “Though I’m under the impression that her mother is dissatisfied with her figure.”

His aunt clucked her tongue. “Ladies should wish to look like her.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“And her temperament? Is she not so sweet and kind that—”

He’d not give his aunt anymore insight tonight. “Good night, dear aunt.”

“Going to bed? Already?”

He shook his head. He preferred to go to bed hours earlier under normal circumstances. “A day of travel and all of that.”

She nodded as she let him go again. But he’d made it two more steps before she called after him. “Get to know her, Evan. You won’t regret it.”

He might. But he’d likely try anyway. They’d only been parted minutes and he found himself looking forward to seeing her again.

* * *

The next morning,Evie woke, unusually happy. She could hardly hide her smile as she readied for the day, her maid twisting up her hair as she sat in her chemise and short corset. The garment highlighted her naturally small waist and bosom and her figure as she sat in the chair, remembering Evan’s words.

Evan. The names sighed off her lips. Evan and Evie. It rang like a bell through her thoughts. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She didn’t want to be a duchess. She was far more suited to a man with a quiet life. But Evie had to confess, she liked the power and command Evan effortlessly displayed. It made her feel…safe.

Mary, her maid, placed the last pin in the coif and stepped back to admire her work. “Oh, Lady Evie, you look so lovely,” the other woman gushed. “What fun you’ll have today.”

Normally, she might not agree but today…. The sun shone brightly outside, the day promising to be sunny and warm as the lawn games were already being prepared. “I do love croquet.”

Mary gave her a large smile. “That’s the spirit.” Then she began crossing to the wardrobe. “What dress would you like to wear?”

“The purple—”

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical