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A sigh skated over her skin. “If we do this, I want the whole affair. I want the danger of being discovered. I want you and your whole attention.” He met her gaze. “Does that clarify my intent?”

Of course it did. Why did he not think she wanted that too? “Yes, but…” Her ability to form words flitted away when he closed his lips over one sensitive nipple.

“There is no other option.” He blew over the wet skin he’d just suckled. The contrast in temperatures pulled another moan from her. “You either accept the consequences—good and bad—or we go no further.” Around and around, he swirled his tongue, flirting with the nipple while he did the same to the other with a forefinger. “I brought a sheath, but there are still consequences.”

The talk of reality while he worked to ply her with pleasure rapidly brought her out of the cloud of passion that had sunk into her brain. “I’ll worry about the future when it comes.” Right now, there was only this moment, this man, and how he made her feel. She shoved her fingers through the sparse hair on his chest and then locked her arms about his shoulders. “Show me where to touch you, or shall I go exploring?”

He laughed. The low-pitched sound of it reverberated in her chest, and the insistent hard length of him pressed into her thigh. “If you touch me, I’ll be the one carried away and you won’t have the scandal you’ve wanted since we met.” The doctor claimed her mouth in a ragged, raw kiss that left her breathless and dizzy.

“So not fair.” She arched her back and her thigh brushed his swollen manhood. When he sucked in a gasp, she chuckled. “So mean.”

“You’re the one who started us down this path, my dear.” He shifted his stance, catching her wrists in one of his hands and pinning them to the quilt above her head. “To that end, it’s past time to begin your seduction.”

Even more unfair when she’d wished to seduce him. But she was soon lost in what Royce did to her. His hands were seemingly everywhere on her body, stroking, caressing, teasing. He had a certain knack for knowing where she liked to be touched even before she did, and perhaps that was his training as a doctor, but she was too far gone to inquire. Every time she attempted to touch him, he batted her hands away, and when he kissed and licked various parts of her body, all the thoughts were forgotten.

Down, down, down he moved, between her breasts, over her torso, kissing a path around her naval and past her mons. When she sucked in a breath, put a hand to his shoulder to perhaps dissuade him, he merely chuckled against her skin and encouraged her thighs apart. Then his mouth was on that most sensitive, private part of her no one had ever seen let alone touched, and Isobel nearly vaulted off the quilt.

“Royce!” She furrowed the fingers of one hand through his hair, both in an effort to hold him off and keep him closer. “I can’t… This isn’t proper…”

His chuckle against that part of her, sent a surge of wicked sensation through her. “Of course it’s not, but isn’t that what you wanted?”

“But I… Ah!” Isobel bucked her hips when he used the tip of his tongue to encourage the bud at her center out of hiding. Heated pressure built and stacked within her. She clutched a handful of the quilt in her free hand while encouraging him closer with the other. This was so naughty, so beyond anything she’d ever dreamed of…

When he left off from that exquisite form of torture, the reprieve was short lived, for he surged back up her body and replaced his fingers where his mouth had been. “A woman’s body is one of the most wonderful things the Creator has ever fashioned. It’s an unparalleled joy to discover how to unlock those secrets.”

Those words rang in her ears; she’d hoard them close them for later. Isobel’s thighs quivered. Need pulsed deep in her core. She couldn’t concentrate on the words he said, for foreign pleasure completely caught her up in its tide. Her hips bucked, which put her more securely into his care.

And then the most curious thing occurred that changed her life. She shattered, broke, cracked into a million pieces of light. Bliss swept in to flood her from head to toe while a scream of surprise tugged from her throat. As she came down from floating somewhere above her body, she reached for him, holding him closer. A vague sense of unfilled longing roared through her chest.

“Royce, I need… more.” She popped open her eyes as confusion took hold. “I don’t know how else to explain it.”

“Shh, there’s no need.” The doctor lifted slightly off her. “Just let me retrieve—”

“No!” The sense that if he left, he wouldn’t finish her took hold. She grabbed his shoulders, keeping him near. A sense of urgency rode her spine. “I’m not done with you. Don’t leave me.” For the first time in her life, she’d found someone who might learn to understand her, who could be convinced to accept her, flaws and all. In the darkness, she met his gaze. “Please, Royce?” She wriggled beneath him, being certain to brush his rampant length in the process. “I want you.”

Briefly, he pressed his forehead to hers while encouraging her legs wider apart. “You’re certain?”

“Yes.” A breathless sort of waiting had stolen over her despite the knots of apprehension in her stomach. “Please.” Her lips touched his with that one word. “I know my own mind.”

“Botheration.” He kissed her as he settled between her bent knees. The wide head of his member teased her opening. Then, with a powerful flex of his hips, he speared into her, penetrating her core. When he paused, staring into her eyes, he uttered a huff that sounded much like annoyance. “You truly hadn’t lain with a man before.” It wasn’t a question.

“No.” Experimentally, Isobel wriggled into a more comfortable position. “You are my first.” Then another thought occurred. “Are you regretting this already?”

Why was she never enough?

“Of course not. It merely took me by surprise.” He balanced his weight on knees and elbows. “I won’t last, for it’s been some time since I last did this.”

She couldn’t help her grin. With a nip to his chin, she bumped her hips into his. “I hope you haven’t forgotten how to do it then.”

“I’m not a doddering old fool just yet,” he all but growled.

Isobel barely had time to grin before he pulled away from her body. When she murmured a protest, he stroked again, going deep, treating her to slow, rhythmic thrusts that gently rocked them both. Eventually, she figured out how to cant her hips and move with him. It was much like dancing but more intimate and fulfilling. Each time they came together, tendrils of pleasure streaked through her limbs igniting tiny fires in her blood.

Oh, it was such fun, this new experience! She looped her arms about his shoulders, her hands playing up and down his back, but when his pacing increased and became more frantic and faster, she wrapped her hands about his upper arms and tried to keep up the best she could.

All too soon, the familiar bands of pressure stacked inside her again. “I’m going to break,” she said in a rushed whisper, unsure of what to do.

“Fall into it. Come with me.” Over and over, he stroked, faster and faster he thrust.

Tags: Sandra Sookoo The Storme Brothers Historical